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Third pov

Kayana took the wheel and moved along.
Ky lay down in the back seat,with a book in hand.

It was a comfortable silence shared between the two.Kayana dowloaded some old youtube videos in advance so she was stacked up for the ride.

'It's just the two of us...just the two of us...no one else.Dear cheese ,why.'

She thought.Kazu,the appeared in solid form in the seat next to hers,leaning his head on her shoulder.

"Didn't know you could drive.I saw you as the type to crash a scooter."

Kayana rolled her eyes in annoyance and pursedd her lips.

"My driving is superb you small pox victim." She retorted.

Kazu chuckled dryly.

"Small pox victim?Is that really the best insult you have?"

"Nop.I wouldv'e said your momma but the grave has her."

"Lol,as if I even remember who the hell she was or what she looked like."he snorted,playing around with his snowy white bangs.

Kayana simply ignored him and kept her eyes on the road.

The more she got away from the vampires' residence and into the ruined once bustling city of Europe ,the more she noticed how disturbing it was.

The streets were littered in skeletons of the deceased humans and animals.

Maybe flesh eating animals were still able to live and feed off of the rotting corpses but other than that there was little to no places where vegetarian animals could eat.

And the more she thought the more she realised.HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS!She loved history and she'd hate for all those mummies,ancient relics,Monumental buildings.She didn't want them to perish like the humans did.

She decided that she'd have a house built in Europe and put them there,so the children could enjoy.Maybe Urd wouldn't mind.

She just shrugged and turned her attention to Ky.

He didn't seem to be interested in their conversation.He was just blankly staring at his book.

How boring.

The day was going by slowly.Painfully slow.Kayana was fed up of seeing only road and was ready to blow up everything.Kazu had actually been good company for once and didn't annoy the hell out of her.

So far,she was assuming at this rate they'd get to the destination in 4 days...a little long but whatever.

Kayana was seriousky bired and Kazu had fallen asleep.

She always thought demons didn't sleep so assumed he just did it to pass time.

She couldn't deny that she was a but salty from the mack of attention Ky was giving her but she didn't want to seem needy and didn't bother him.

That was the case.She was totally and utterly bored.It wasn't even 1 pm.


It was like one of those long ass plane flights.

She wanted to video call Crowley but there was NO FUCKING WIFI.

"SOOOOO.WHAT'S THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION!?"The dumbass youtuber on the screen yelled.

"It's 4 bitch."


"It's 5 bitch."


(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin