~ Chapter 21 ~

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Third pov.I AM NOW ON DEVIANTART-crimsonredslayer.Plz support me and if you're an artist.I'd love some tips.

A week prior

Kayana accommpanied Ferid in his office as he had some paper work to complete.She quietly sketched the outline of his figure on a piece of paper with a bored look on her face.

She decided to learn to draw a few months ago and was able to draw faces now.Ferid was a perfectionist at art and he was good at it too so she wanted to be able to reach his skill level.He Had given her some helpful tips and she learned well.

Her ears picked up the tune he was softly humming to himself.She smiled softly before glancing at the study's backround instead.

Looking at the place where the gun once was she then remembered something important.

"Ferid..." She called getting up from the couch she was previously seated on.Her puple hair was tied up in a short ponytail by a bow,curtesy Ferid.He hummed in response but kept his gaze on his papers.

She didn't want to risk anyone hearing what she wanted to discuss, if he even bothered to answer her questins, so she stood behind his chair and leaned down.

"You're plotting against the queen ,aren't you?" She whispered.Her lips were right next to his ear and she spoke quietly since vampires had inhanced hearing she didn't want to hurt his ears by speaking too loudly and directly in it.

He placed his pen down gently and chuckled softly.His laugther alone gave away the answer.

"What makes you say that?" He questioned innocently curling a finger around his hair that framed his beautiful face.
She sighed at his antics.

"I don't really know.It's not as if your body language gives anything away or actions give anything away..." she trailed off.She herself didn't know why she thought that he was plotting against her.He hand't told her directly.She just wanted to know.

"You're so unpredictable.It's hard to tell whether you're just playing around or not but I guess the fact that the virus took place ...with what's been going on and the world gone to crap...It would seem as if it's time for you to put your plans in place.It was almost as if that virus was a trigger for what is yet to come."

He didn't interupt her as she ranted about suggestions and questions.

"Mika's blood is delightful,he's pretty and young...why else would you plot to kill him and his family unless there was something else behind it?"

He clapped his hands in mockery ,a sadistic smile made way to his face and this confirmed even more.Her suspicions were correct.

"You're so smart Kayana-chan!" He complimented sarcastically.She knew by this time he meant business.She would probally get harmed or he'd be neutral but she wouldn't know.He always kept his facial expression happy.Falsely happy or happy happy that looks false.

He stood up abruptly using her moment of suprise to pin her to the wall and sink his fangs into her neck.
She moaned when he drank and didn't put up a fight.No matter who drank from her or who she drunk from.The pleasure was always there and it would make anyone feel great .She realised that he had the upper hand at the moment and fighting him would cause her great pain.He was being gentle compared to what she expected and she was thankful.She maybe stronger due to her just y'know,being some ranks higher but he was older.waay older and waaay wiser than she'd ever be.

He removed his fangs but still kept his firm grip.

"Y'know.Curiosity killed the cat." There is that clìche*
saying we always here.Yeah yeah.poor cat.

(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ