Chapter 27

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Third pov/Kayana's pov

The conference room was silent again.Figuring out the girl's emotions seemed to be proven difficult .They,themselves didn't even know why they were trying to underastand her.

"You have depression?"

Twas like a therapy session now.

"Yes.A very bad one." She responded apathetically*

Urd sighed heavily and got up from his seat.
The other two progenitors observed him silently as his eyes showed no emotions as did his face.He was stone cold.

Kayana knew he meant business now.He was visibly upset about wasting time.

"As much as you amuse me,you're making yourself sound like a low-life sl*t."

He always scolded her when she did wrong.Urd was cold but he was gentle.Even so,when he is upset.She knew she had to stop fooling around.

"He's kinda right." -Kazu

"Shut up,Kazu."-

"I know but I don't really know how else to cope with it.My demon is probally one of the worst and never gives me a chance to collect my thoughts.Last night was just an accident and we didn't do anything bad."


"I'm not sure but I guess so." he shrugged nonchalantly.He was stiff and uneasy,though.I mean,chances that they actually did it were high cause he was naked and all she had on was his shirt.

"You know what.How about we get this meeting rolling and forget the events that happened 20 hours ago.Yay!"

"You can't order us around and you can't just dissmiss the fact that you might have slep with one of our highest ranking progenitors." Lest frowned.

"So?Stop being a baby."



"Back to important matters. If you were to be a seraph...that would be a big problem." Finally,the meeting had begun.

"Why?" I was hoping this wouldn't even need to be discussed They'd have to kill me if I were a Seraph.

"Vampires are forbidden to mess or interfere with the Seraph taboo.The punishment is severe and they will be deemed traitors.That is why we kill all human magic crafters who create them or experiment on them.The humans are capable of many things and are masters at killing things far stronger than themselves.If you were a seraph..."

"...You'd have to kill me."

Urd is an ancient vampire who follows rules.There is no way some peasant half breed like me would gain his favour .

"That is correct."

Tension could be felt as the room grew silent.

I looked down at my lap and fiddled with my fingers.

"I doubt it.My family wasn't even affiliated with the Hyakuya sect...My demon would have informed me if I were a seraph." 

Y'know.I know about the seraph but I honestly have no clue what they or it is or what is does.I just know it exists.I never bothered to do research or dig into it.

"What school did you attend?" Ky inquired.

A stupid one.

"Mikiyami Pre-School." I responded evenly.

He was given a paper to pass to me.I took it and read it.


" that area wasn't badly affected by the virus?"

(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now