43: Pride And Joy

Start from the beginning

"Yes, actually," he replied, laughing.

We decided to get something to eat at a local restaurant and the Hawaiian sun was just starting to set as we walked back, hand in hand.

"I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be," Vince said as we strolled along the sidewalk.

"Me either," I said, pulling myself closer into him and nestling my head into his warm shoulder. I was so tired from all the swimming, falling, and treading in the water I felt like I could fall asleep right here and right now.

The sun was almost down when we got back up into our rooms and I vouched for taking a shower to get the layers of sunscreen off of my skin and the saltwater out of my hair. I slipped on one of the hotel's white and fuzzy robes before heading back out to see Vince wearing his too.

I climbed into the bed next to him as he draped his arm around me. I closed my eyes lightly, realizing how warm and comfortable I was and how weary my eyes were growing. I must've dozed off for a couple of hours because when I woke up, it was really dark outside.

"You were really wiped out, huh?" Vince asked once he saw my eyes finally open again.

"Yeah," I admitted, sitting up and stretching a little bit. I saw from the clock that it was only about nine at night, even though I was still wildly exhausted.

"We'll have to try again sometime, you're already really good," he continued.

"You think so?" I asked, scrunching my face a little. I didn't think I did that great. I fell probably fifty times and I grew more frustrated each time. Although, I did love trying new things.

"Definitely," he said, smiling at me. "Plus it was pretty hot watching you out there."

"Oh really?" I asked, smiling when I realized that he was finally initiating something between the two of us.

"So hot," he emphasized, moving closer to me. "But not as hot as seeing you in that bikini."

"What are you gonna do about it?" I asked, biting my lip.

*smut starts here*

"I wanna start by tearing that robe off of you," he growled lightly next to my ear, starting to kiss my neck lightly.

His hands found their way to the tie in front, quickly loosening it with ease. He broke his lips off from my neck so that he could push my robe off from my shoulders, it laying on the bed beside me.

"So beautiful," he murmured as he hovered himself over me, his hands moving my hair off of my chest so that he could get a better view of my body. He trailed kisses down my body, starting at my neck and making his way down to my core.

I internally thanked Heather and Melissa for telling me to get a bikini wax before the wedding.

He kissed me delicately between my folds, starting to swirl his tongue over my clit as he carefully slid a couple of fingers inside of me. My breaths grew small and choppy and I let out a couple of whimpers when I got close to my climax. I moaned as I let go, the energy building up in me from the past day finally starting to get released.

"How was that, baby?" He asked after moving his head away from my core, seeing how distraught I was. I only moaned in response, craving more already.

As I breathed through my orgasm, Vince came up to meet his lips with mine again. I could taste myself on his lips and I felt a twinge of arousal start to build in my stomach again. I reached my hand down and started to stroke his length in my hand, feeling him grow hard within my grasp. He groaned into our kiss as I felt him release onto my stomach. I moved my hand off of him and started to run it through his hair as he continued to kiss me, more passionately and sloppily than ever.

Motley Crue - You're All I Need (Vince Neil/Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee/Heather)Where stories live. Discover now