Chapter 29

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Stefan's POV

  I was an irresponsible motherfucker, this is why Jessica left me. No, she left me because she thought I was cheating on her in the woods with Chloe. I mean, she's hot as shit but that's not what I want. I want curls. That beautiful smile that lights up her entire face. That sassy ass attitude she gives . That body, that fits perfectly with mines like a damn puzzle piece. I want all that sappy shit. I just don't know why I never bothered to tell her this.

I reach for The Jack Daniel's bottle I got from my father's collection and took a long sip. The bastard wasn't going to notice it was gone anyway. And if he did I could give a rats ass, fucker's framing me anyway. I wonder how I got to this point in life but then I remembered. If I didn't sleep with his wife we wouldn't be having this problem but it's not like he loved her. He just kept her on his arm to show off, that he had a younger piece of meat. She could've been my fuckin' sister, and he acted like I was the only one going behind his back. She knew what she was doing. She always waited until his ass was gone to come visit me. Like a dumb fuck, I played along to it and I was happy. Well, until I got caught.

Taking another sip, of good ole brown liquor. I get my phone and start scrolling through me and Jessica's old text messages. I feel like this is something a bitch would do. I throw my phone to the bed and take another sip and enjoy the pain of the burn going down my throat.


Jessica's POV

  I didn't care that he didn't text me within that first hour. Or call me within the second one. I had wanted this, now I just had to get over it. I went to my desk and started to go over my notes for Calculus, when there was a loud bang downstairs. I opened my door and across the hall so did Jordan. We looked at each other then started down the stairs. Another loud bang sounded and we ran down the stairs.

Looking around we tried to see where the noise was coming from but then we saw the front door open. I never expected to see what I saw.

"Don't do this honey, please not in front of everyone. Our daughters are sleeping, let's work this out in the morning," My mom said as my dad was throwing all of her belongings in her car.

"This marriage has been over. I don't know why it's only getting through you head now. You haven't done anything useful with yourself since we've had our daughters. You've gotten comfortable, while I worked my ass off. Only to come home to hear you say you haven't been getting enough attention from me," Dad said coldly. I was shocked speechless. I couldn't believe what was happening. Not only was I shocked but Jordan stopped in her tracks. Her skin had paled and she looked around, noticing that our nosy neighbors had a full show of what was going on.

"You're pathetic, my daughters don't need to see such a weak excuse for a mother," Dad said firmly before turning around with a look of surprise on his face. And that was all it took for all of this anger to rise to the surface. The shock was over. He had the nerve to be fuckin surprised after he just treated my mom like some fuckin piece of trash!!

Before I had a chance to think about it, I lunged for the man that I always thought loved us deep down. But only now I knew he just used that as an excuse. I grabbed onto his arm to get a better balance before I kicked him in the balls. I didn't stop when he fell down. No, that made me more angrier that he went down so easily. Just as I was about to kick him in the throat, a gun shot fired and neighbors screamed and ran inside. Possibly calling the police. No, most likely calling the police. When I turned around to look to see where mom and Jordan was at my vision goes black.

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