Chapter 10

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How was your Christmas?? Mines was pretty good, I have to ask who've seen Game of Thrones??🤗 I freakin LOVE The mother of dragons and her husband, Aquaman !🙀 I'm going to Comic Con again this year and I'm meeting him!! Jason Momoa! He is too fine...🥰 Idk how'll I'll act, I'm a total fan girl🤩 but anyways here ya go🤐 NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE POSTED FRIDAY

Jessica's POV

He's freakin coming over here. The whole time I was acting like I cared about Cammie and her boyfriend's weekend, but honestly I really didn't care. I love cammie and her boyfriend but my mind was more focused on my weekend.

I can definitely play this off and not pay attention to him.

" What's up," He said standing over me. I paid him no attention and continued to munch on my hot fries. Cammie turned and looked at me with raised brows. I just shrugged my shoulders.

" So you can't speak now?" He continued to talk. I continued to munch on my chips.

" Wow, your fuckin unbelievable. I don't fuck you against your sink and your mad!" He said whispering, angrily.

Cammie eyes widened, her boyfriend thankfully left to go to the restroom two minutes ago. I damn nearly choked to death on my hot fries that I was so loving, only a few minutes ago. Cammie reached over to pat me on the back and Stefan leaned over to give me a bottle of water. I snatched the bottle from him and downed almost half the bottle.

" Where the hell did you get the water from?" I say, after I finally caught my breath again. I know when he came over here he didn't have anything on him.

" That girl over there gave it to me," That girl over there was the nastiest bitch at this school. Layla Robinson. By nastiest I meant, attitude and sleeping around with half of the school. Before Cammie and Lucas was together, Lucas was somehow a thing with Layla. Then my beautiful best friend was the most sweetest person in the world and made Lucas realize being with Layla was worth it because he ended up with cammie.

"Your not supposed to say shit like that." I said angrily, pissed that he said that.

" Your the one being fuckin immature about this. I've tried to talk it out by coming over here to be the better person and your stuck up ass had to be rude. So I don't fuckin care anymore. I'm done trying to get to know you, instead of treating you like the basic bitch your not. I'm done." He turned and walked away without looking back.

Cammie just starred at the table and got up. I turned around and looked at my bag of hot fries that almost killed me and I picked them up and got my stuff and went after him. I hate feeling like I'm the one in the wrong. I'm not wrong, right?

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