Chapter 24

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McCoffin is no longer just a diamond authenticator. He's a potential fucking murderer with no problem kidnapping people. Gulping the sandwich down I now use both my hands to type. "I'm swear on my fucking life I'll kill that motherfucker." If my memory serves me correctly, he knows about Bangtan, even going so far to say that we are 'close'. If he knows about them, then with a bit of effort, he could just be able to figure out where they live, where I am currently staying. I need to figure out where he is before he figures it out. "He isn't very popular is he." I mumble to myself, only finding old information I already know about him from the last research lesson. A couple of sketchy websites later and I finally find some pretty valuable information.

'Recent studies have shown Alexander McCoffin's 'dealings' have been dealt with in these to places in the past month [insert photo maps].' I read a bit for useful information, burning it in my mind before my eyes come across at the end of the screen. 'Hoodie Boy is you are reading this, I hope you find him and hand him into the police! We are counting on you!' That is still going around? I didn't even do it for them..

The door flies open to a frantic and tired out Jimin. I guess I was too focused on my thoughts to hear him. He lets out a large breathe, a hand on his heart before turning around and yelling down the hallway, "I found him!" Great, my peace and quiet has been disturbed yet again. Too soon after, five children barrel through the door, practically collapsing on the floor as if they ran a marathon.

"Yoongi!" They all exclaim tiredly.

"Yeah?" I inconspicuously close the window, turning off the computer as I get up stiffly.

"Don't run away again please. We are too tired to go after you."

"Good." I start walking until they reach out for me like hungry zombies, I skid backwards.

"Please. Just get some proper food." Seokjin says, wiping non-existent dust off of his shoulders. "I was in the middle of making some before but you ran away and we starved." I roll my eyes at his use of words. "Fine." The short answer was enough to get them up and running again. "Food!" I hear two of them exclaim. Most of them leave the room, either preparing or waiting eagerly for dinner. Hoseok turns towards me. "Did you look through my history?"

"Should I have?" He doesn't answer looking away. I roll my eyes at his teenage ways and walk towards the door. "Yoongi?" I silently groan and slowly turn around, looking at the boy in question. "Please don't run away." I shoot him a weird look, even if he didn't see it. I lift my hand to my head, pulling at my greasy hair instead of a hoodie. I fiddle with the strands before dropping my hand. "Here, has a shower and food. Right now, it benefits the other option of running away don't you think? So no, for the moment I will not be running away. Speaking of showers, I haven't had one since the hospital, show me the nearest bathroom?"

The towel drops to my shoulders as I make my way towards the main area. My muscles not as tight or sore as before. The smell of food fills my senses, my stomach not holding back it's wails for food. I reach the dining table, everyone already chowing down. A plate already filled out to the brim, an empty seat behind the plate. I make my way over, placing myself down, careful of the beasts beside me eating. "Yoongi, How was your shower? I put some food on your plate so everyone doesn't eat everything and leave you nothing." Jimin says from beside me. There was definitely a lot more space than last time between me and everyone else. I nod, not hesitating to start eating to quiet down my stomach.

Two servings later and a groaning table cradling their stomachs. "Thanks Seokjin hyung." Everyone else says, piling their plates together to take to the sink. My eyes travel outside, I didn't even notice the sun had already hidden behind the horizon. By the time I look back towards the table, everyone except Seokjin had left. I guess he was spacing out too. Although as soon as I make eye contact and gets up and walks away after tucking in his chair. Weird.

I get up, tucking in my chair and walking towards the room I now occupy. Flopping down on the large bed I pull my bag out grabbing out another burner phone I had taken from the agency, training centre, whatever word that doesn't suit the word assassination. What actually happens inside the building. The already saved private number clear in the messages.

It's Ace. Burner phone #1002. Get people on these places ASAP. [insert maps]


"Woosh." I make a random sound, chucking my phone on the other side of the bed. Even if I had slept for a day, the tiredness never seems to leave, especially the permanent bags underneath my eyes. Sighing, I close my eyes, not bothering to put the duvet over me as I stretch my arms out beside me. I know I can't fall asleep even if I was extremely tired, so I lay there. Silence encircling me like a long lost friend. A second or an hour could have gone by, I wouldn't know.

Deciding to open up my other phone, I see nine missed messages. I thought no one knew this number?

Have u died or something? Why
haven't u come to school? Are you too scared or something? Lol

Now reading the username 'the shits from school' I move onto the next missed message after blocking the number.

Yoongi, it's me Beomgyu! Hope
you are doing okay. Pls text back ;-;

Check out these places. Check carefully. [Insert maps]

Are these the McCoffin sightings?
I'll do my best!

Don't try to do your best. You will check them carefully and report the predicted sighting.

Yes sir!

I roll my eyes as I set the name to 'Beomgyu'.

Good night Yoongi. Hope you
are okay, it's me Jimin btw.

I don't know what 'btw' means but I get rid of the message, scrolling through the rest quickly to find it's almost all the boys. Opening the last message I expect Seokjin's 'good night' or something.

Ace. Or should I say Yoongi. Hope you are ready for fun.

Ohh I'm so scared. Come at me.

I will don't worry.

My anger bubbles a little at the stupid message from McCoffin, even angrier that he found the number. I decide to scroll through the local news feed instead to find information on the guy. Multiple 'Hoodie Boy' articles pop up. I decide to scroll through a couple of them. Straight away, the picture from the hospital shows up, when I lost my memory and it's just a blanket covering my face.

Last known photo of Hoodie Boy from famous group Bangtan. Will they be uploading another? Or has something happened to the local hero?

A couple photos of banners with people holding it up pop up here and there. Even the boy I remember from the window hospital. I go onto a new website, 'Hoodie Boy analytics'.

Age: unknown (looks young based off of size)
Name: Hoodie Boy (no real name)

New report from Jimin feeding us juicy information on local hero hoodie boy. 'His firery red hair will amaze you! It suits him well. His short stature is so cute! Can't believe he fought of that guy. He barely reaches my eyebrows!'
[insert picture of red hair]

Based off that Jimin is 5'9", is it safe to say Hoodie Boy is 5'8"? Or even 5'7"? With the great photo of his hair, I can tell it is soft I just wanna touch it! Look out for a short boy with red hair!

When the hell did he get a picture of me? Thank god he didn't get anything else in the photo, like my face.

I look through a few more news feeds before I find the name 'Alexander McCoffin'. I guess it's as good as time as ever to figure out where McCoffin will be next.

 HOW TO SAVE A LIFE - For Dummiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें