Chapter 2

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Yoongi's POV

"Get up, ye shirt-stain!" The booming voice rings in my ears. I open my eyes, immediately grabbing my knife and holding it to his neck. "You're drooling on me, leprechaun." His ginger beard retreats from tickling me on my face as he stands back up. "Whatever, you still go to that prissy shit stain prison don't ya? I thought I'd be nice and wake ye up before you're late." He says over his shoulder as he leaves my room, unfazed from my threat to his life.

I roll over, looking at the digital clock beside me on the bedside table before groaning at the time. "You didn't have to wake me up so early you wanker! 5:30 in the morning is not an appropriate time to be awake!" I yell from the bed. "I can't go back to sleep now, I already woke up." I mumble to myself as I sinfully escape the confinement's of my bed at the in godly hour.

I slip into jeans, then bottoms of the legs rolled up and an army green shirt, putting a big black hoodie over the top before grabbing my bag. I put all the school stuff in there before heading down stairs. "I need to get hair dye, I'll be gone until I get home or a job comes up so don't call me."

"Roger that." He replies, too busy staring at the microwave as it finishes when I slip out of the door, putting black shoes and socks on before I leave. "Which places would be open at almost six in the morning?" I say to myself in disbelief. I look up what shops are open and thankfully a few of them are open near the school. I head to the train station taking the next one into town. As I go in I sit down, the carriage abandoned except for a group of boys and a girl.

"What are you doing in the train alone?" One of the boys called.

"I'm, uh not looking for trouble. Please leave me alone." The girl squeaks out. I turn discreetly towards them, watching the scene in front of me.

The group chuckles in reply. One of them reaches out and touches her shoulder before she curls back. "We aren't looking for trouble, just a little bit of fun." Seriously? This early in the morning? It's times like these that I'm glad I'm not a horny teenager, that would seriously mess up my schedule.

"I'm-I'm not alone!" She says quickly. "Aw, is your invisible friend here with you?" They laugh at their own bad joke.

"No! I- Uh.. Her!" She points towards me. Do I look like a girl? She comes running towards me and sits next to me. Aren't I lucky today. "Yeah, this is my friend erm.." she look at me for a name but I stay quiet. "Im..Cha-Chayoung!" She says in victory.

They stalk up the train, staring at me and smirking. "Well she can join us can't she? Wouldn't you like that Chayoung?" A tall boy says, smirking at me. I advert my eyes to the flashing name on the digital board. My stop. I get up and walk past them as the train door opens. The girl follows me out the train, I glance back at them as they look at me in disbelief then run off the train before the door closes, coming towards me. I think I know who these boys are. What does everyone call them? B-bob? B-top? BtoB. Ahh that's who they are.

"Hey where are you going? I think we might go to the same school. I'm Changsub."

"And I'm Sungjae!" Another boy claims from beside him. I'm a dude, I don't think they'd be into me after telling them. They walk in front of me, stopping me from walking past. "Let's have some fun, school doesn't start for another hour." By now the other girl has already scurried off somewhere along the way, leaving me with these.... humans. "Scooch." I say, purposefully deepening my voice more so they know I'm a guy. The look on their faces are priceless.

"I-I thought-" I push past him and everyone else as I start walking to the open store waiting for me.

"You look like a girl!" He says in disbelief. "You tricked me!" He says in anger as he starts walking towards me, his footsteps getting louder with each step. I would disagree, but there you go. People have their own opinions. He grabs my arm roughly, making me twist out of his grasp instinctively, and wrap his arm behind his back and kicking his knee in so he kneels on the ground, his head pulled up and looking up my hoodie in pain. He only sees up to my nose though. "I suggest you don't touch me again." I say calmly before letting go and walking inside the store.

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