Chapter 10

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My hands just reach the lock, jabbing the key in and turning it with all my strength, a small cramp building up. "Come on you little shit just turn!" I curse at the cuffs on my wrist before a small 'click' floods my ears. The weight drops off my wrist, I stretch my wrist quickly before going towards my other wrist, swiftly chucking the other unlocked cuff on the ground. The last cuff comes off as I jump up, my head feeling light before I shake it off. I need to kill that son of a bitch first.

My hand lightly grazes one of my wounds, I wince in pain and retract my hand quickly studying the room. My eyes fall on the tray of weapons on the table. I scurry a squick as I can towards the table my anger already bubbling over as I grab one of my favourite weapons. "I'll take this." I pick up a matte black hunting knife, my blood still stained on the tip. I wipe it on my pants and grab a few other weapons before half limping out the torture chamber. "You are so going to cop it Fortier."

My finger hovers over the phone hesitating to press the large button on the screen. "Ring it already Jeongguk!" Jimin rolls his eyes as I jolt. I hesitate for another second before I press it, panicking when it starts to ring. "Oh my god it's ringing!" I fan my free hand erratically before quickly putting it on the speaker and the rings become that much nervously louder. We all crowd around the small boxy phone in stark silence, the nervousness and excitement flooding through us.

We had decided to post pone the call until we were out of school. Jimin didn't want to get caught and "ruin his reputation". So here we were, crowding around a random park bench, near a jewellery store.

The call ends.

"You have reached the number of-" "Well that was anticlimactic, he doesn't even have his own voicemail." Taehyung reaches for the phone ending the call before we could send a voicemail. "Ring again, he might have not gotten enough time to reach his phone." Seokjin hyung trys to reason the failed call. "Or, he was ignoring us." Hoseok pouts. "Or he was kidnapped!" Taehyung blurts.

"He wouldn't be kidnapped Taehyung." Namjoon says, shaking his head at the boy. "You never know, he looks like a girl with that hoodie on, not to mention he never talks. So he has a higher chance of being kidnapped than any of us-" a loud 'bang' sounds from a nearby building, the jewellery shop, cutting off their conversation. "What was that?" I ask warily. "Let's go check it out, someone might be hurt!" Seokjin says quickly, already rushing off as another loud 'bang' echos throughout the jewellery store.

"You're heads mine Fortier." I say, pulling out the hunting knife, my glare blazing into his eyes. He turns around with a jolt of surprise. "That was quicker than I expected." He goes for his gun as I lunge at him. We both go flying to the ground, he takes both our weight as I stab him in the shoulder. A fun shot rings in my ears loudly, I blink away the pain as I ignore his point blank shot into my good thigh. I pull the knife out and lift it up high before bringing down quickly to give a fatal blow to his neck. He dodges just in time, shooting me in the bicep.

I grab the gun, trying to get it out of his vice grip as we wrestle. Tearing up everything in the dusty shop. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Marcus shouts, diving for my bloody thigh, I kick forward, driving it into his neck as I wince in pain. He falls to the ground, winded. He grabs my ankle pulling me back to the ground as my head harshly hits the wooden floor boards.

"Is anyone here? Are you okay?" A faint voice rings throughout our struggle. I give one harsh blow to the side of his head. He's out like a light. "Yoongi?!" My eyes shoot upwards in surprise. Bangtan are standing a few feet away, the dust swarming around everywhere. "GET OUT!" I scream at them. They jump in fright. "Yoongi y-" "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" Seokjin jumps before finally listening and guiding the resisting teenagers out with him. "For fucks' sake." I stare down at the passed out dipshit. I can't kill him in front of them. I need to get them out of here before his dad comes here.

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