18: his date?

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we're close to the last chapter that is why i am making the succeeding chapters this lengthy. actually, this story should only have approximately 1000 words in each chapter, but this chapter had reached 3300+ oh my god. anyways, enjoy reading


"Yes, mom. I will go with dad."


"Good, good afternoon, Saegkkal High students! Are you ready for today's special event?"


The event began with enthusiastic vibes from the audience.

"Let's call on stage, Kim Dohun!"

This Dohun guy calmly walked on the stage with a mic on his hand. When he's supposed to begin now, he just looked at the audience as if he's searching for someone.

I turned my head around to see who's behind me when he looked at our direction.

"OMG! Kream is looking here!"

"Oh, he's Kream? The popular student who sings and writes R&B songs?"

"Yes, OMG, it's him!"

"Before I start, I just want to share that I composed this song having Jeong Yein as my inspiration."

Bitch. Everyone precipitously turned their heads to me and I don't even know how to respond. Suddenly, a group of students approached me.

"Yein, will you come with us on stage?"

I looked around my classmates as I was perplexed in my seat. Goshes, this is so sudden and unexpected. Should I go with them?

"Go, Yein."

"It's alright, go."

I dumbly stood up from my seat upon hearing my classmates' remarks. Why do they need me on stage though? If I won't go, I will become the antagonist here in the horde's eyes. Going with them won't hurt, right?

I just took a few steps away from my seat when someone stopped me by grabbing my wrist. Kook stopped me.

"You can't," he said as if he was snapped back from spacing out.

"Why?" I revolted.

He didn't look at me in the eyes, instead he gazed at Hoseok. Just then, Hoseok spoke, "I'm sorry, she can't go with you, we will actually have our blockings in a minute."

What? They didn't tell me beforehand.

These people signalled someone who was near on the stage and relayed our decline. We looked at the Kream that's standing on the stage who just showed a smile after the person relayed the message to him.

At some point, it's somehow good that I didn't go for people will just generate some issue regarding it. When that Yano guy gave me a flashdrive consisting of his songs, the students thought we are dating or something like that.

"Oh, she couldn't go here on stage, but anyways, I hope you will like this song."

After the talk, I decided to go back to my seat so I turned to Kook to remove my hand from his grip. But he spoke, "Just sit here."

But that's not my seat, that's Sinb's.

Even though it's the seat beside Sujeong, I opposed, "That's Sinb's seat." I was about to walk when he again uttered, "She can sit here," pointing at the seat on his other side.

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