16: his sister.

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I egressed from the dormitory building just to be welcomed by the figure of this heartthrob. After the Halloween Night, the following days seemed normal and nothing for me, but for the others, it wasn't.

I get their point though. Who wouldn't be surprised if one day you'll just see the two inseparable best friends being not together 24/7?

It is clearly vivid that Kook and Sinb are quite close the past few weeks. If they see Kook is not with me, then that only means he's with Sinb.

A lot of people have been asking me about it. I mean, what's the big deal there? Just because they've seen us not together, something is up now?

"Yein-ah." I simply hid the astonishment as he approached me and ruffled my hair. As usual, he took my backpack and brought it to his arm and placed his other arm on my shoulder.

"Do you have anything to say?" I initiated upon the thought that he just called me by my name. You can sense something is off if we call each other by our real name.

"I like Sinb."

I almost stopped walking the moment he spoke. It's as if he just dropped a bombshell on me. But I absentmindedly played it cool.

"I know," I scoffed and faced him. He looked at me, bewildered.

"If there's a person who knows you really well, that would be me," I confidently replied and resumed the walk.

He raised a brow that shows my point was acceptable.

"You are too obvious, Kook," I said.

"Am I?"

"People are noticing it, too," I added. "They all premised that you and Sinb are having a thing and they all thought I am getting jealous over it," I remarked with stolid expression.

"That can't be," he chuckled. "Why would you get jealous in the first place," he continued.

Yeah, he's right. Why would I get jealous in the first place when I do not have any romantic feelings for him at all?

"Yein-ah," he called me again by my name and it feels strangely odd. I don't like it when he called me Yein, it seems like another person.

"Today might be the last day that I will be walking with you towards the classroom."

I know. I see it coming. I plastered an assuring smile.

"I see. You're pursuing your feelings, right?" I grinned and genuinely teased him with wiggling eyebrows.

"You really know me," he giggled and ruffled my hair again. I rolled my eyes, "You keep messing with my hair," I bailed.

"Don't complain. This might be the last time as well." His response totally shocked me. I glanced at him and saw a smile, it seems off and I would consider it a wry smile.

"I don't want things between us to change buㅡ"

I cut him off, "I understand, Kook. It's inescapable. We are best friends who'd be there for each other but it's normal that the time will come where you and I will be apart to live with our own decisions."

This is such a foolish ambiance. We never talked like this, with much seriousness.

"I am lucky that you're my best friend." I heard him sigh in relief.

Best Friend 🌻 yeinkook [SH#1]Where stories live. Discover now