03: his bandaid

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"Happy Birthday, Jiae!" We exclaimed as soon as she opened the door.

Yoongi couldn't think of anything so we just pursued with our Plan Aㅡ to surprise Jiae today in her house. We already brought food and everything else. Jiae's parents called us inside to start organizing the dining table to begin our lunch.

Everyone is here except for Sujeong. She went out on a date with MingyuㅡKim Mingyu, one of the heartthrobs in school. Mingyu is actually one of her crushes so she kinda didn't hesitate so much when he asked her.

I am worried about her though. Mingyu is also known for being a player.

"Hoseok-ah, let's buy ice cream outside!" Mijoo demanded while we are the living room, watching a movie.

"You want ice cream?" asked this guy beside me in a murmur.

"Uhhh... yes," I responded.

"You go buy with them," he plainly said and I just hit him on the shoulder.

I thought he asked so he can buy some for me. This jerk.

"Just kidding," he chuckled, exposing his bunny teeth as he crunched his nose. "Let's go with them," he declared and pulled me out from the couch.

There's a walking distance ice cream parlor across the park near Jiae's house. Me and Mijoo are walking together while the two were behind us. While walking, we came to bump into some of our schoolmates.

Specifically the other section that challenged Kook for a basketball match two weeks ago.

"Oh, the poor daughter is here," insinuated Cha Shiwon. Oh God, he's referring to Mijoo. Her parents just got divorced last week.

"Don't listen to him," I whispered. Mijoo could just close her eyes to stay calm.

"How does it feel having a broken familㅡ"

"Can't you just mind your own business, Shiwon?" Hoseok lost it.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Shiwon mockingly uttered.

"Did we really stepped on your ego when we defeated you last time?" Hoseok provoked him.

"Hoseok-ah, let's just go," said Mijoo and clung her arms to Hoseok's as she tried to pull him. Thankfully, Hoseok followed.

"Stop walking, you piece of shit," Shiwon cussed that made Hoseok desist from walking. I saw a smirk on his face as he turned back to Shiwon.

"What do you want?" Hoseok ruggedly asked with his serious voice.

"Nothing, I just want to ruin your day."

"Oh well I guess I might ruin someone's face today." And Hoseok had totally lost it.

Jungkook stepped in between, trying to stop both parties. Shiwon's friends began backing him up. Before Jungkook could join them, I already grasped his arm. "No, Kookie," I warned him.

"Hey, guys, that's enough," Jungkook vapidly uttered.

"Oh Yein you're two sweet for not letting your best friend join us. Why don't you just date with Taewoon?"

"You are welcome to be one of his toys you know."

And Jungkook had lost it as well.

He engaged himself in that foolish fight. We didn't know what to do but we can't just leave them there being outnumbered. 7 vs. 2, are you kidding me?

"Ya! Stop!" Mijoo shouted on top of her lungs.

Hoseok listened and loosened up. Mijoo pulled him before he could resume punching Shiwon's friends. But there's Jungkook, on top of this Taewoon guy, giving him endless punches.

The scene had became calm but he was still being aggressive. I don't have a choice but to step in.

I nipped his right ear upwards to make him stop and I succeeded. I never knew a single pinch on his ear would stop him.

"Get lost, you douchebags!" I yelled at Shiwon and friends.

"Consider yourselves lucky for today, motherfuckers," Shiwon fiercely uttered.

"Really? Okay then," Mijoo responded and threw her middle finger on them. This badass bitch.

"Look what you've done to yourself!" Mijoo scolded her boyfriend and gently touched the side of Hoseok's lips.

I just realized that Jungkook also got a cut on his lips. I quickly hit him in the stomach with my elbow. "You should've been more careful!" I scolded him as well.

"Okay, sorry, ma'am," he meekly said.

"Whatever, let's just go back to the house to treat your cuts," I declared and pulled him with me. But then, he suddenly stopped.

"What about your ice cream?" he innocently spoke.

"Goddamn it. The ice cream can wait, Kook."


"Jiae, where's your first aid kit?" Mijoo inquired.

"Beside that drawer."

The others learned about what just happened. Jin suggested to have a revenge but the girls just took a refuse. We don't want this mess get any worse.

"Hey, are you mad?" asked this troublemaker in front of me. We are at the kitchen, treating their cuts. I just looked at him with my deadpan face and resumed treating his cut.

"Hey..," he softly muttered.

"Why do you have to jump in and join the fight?" I rampantly said.

"Because that bastard said that you can be one of his friend's toys," he sulkily answered with his eyebrows fused.

"So what?" I replied.

"That was such a disrespect, his face deserved a hit," he huffily said.

Finally, after putting some medicine on his cut, I grabbed a piece of adhesive band-aid with a design of rabbit and carefully plastered it above the cut.

"These two are way sweeter than us even if they are just best friends." I heard Mijoo whispered to her boyfriend. Gosh. I just rolled my eyes. Me and Kook are already used to hearing such statement.

"Well then I am happy to have her as my best friend," Jungkook commented as he shrugged upon hearing it.

Yeah, best friend.

And as a best friend, I'm his band-aid.

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