Chapter 10

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Hoseok had been trailing the maknae line for well over a week. Ever since a rather haughty bartender had caught him on his nightly rounds and informed him (with a look of contempt on her face) that their youngest two had almost died in the illusion tunnel, he hadn’t let them out of his sight unless they were accompanied by one of the older three or Jimin. Because Jimin was sensible too.

He wasn’t blaming them. Taehyung was an adventurer at heart and his child-like curiosity at the world was what had made his heart thaw towards him. Because where most people saw ruins and ashes Taehyung saw stories and beauty. But he didn't want him to die while navigating the pitfalls and traps, failed experiments, scattered across the city.

Which was why he had made it a point to keep an eye on him and Jungkook, by extension. And a good thing it had turned out to be when he sawhim barrel into Taehyung on the third day.

Fox, they called him. He was built like a tank - huge, pudgy, harmless looking. Harmless even though there were tattoos littering his arms and his nose was broken. The only one out of them all who hadn’t gotten into the gang for the thrill hoverboarding offered.

Seeing him reminded Hoseok of the smell of machine oil, of late nights spent polishing hoverboards in comfortable silence. Of solid hugs and raucous laughter. The memories hit him like a truck and he stumbled. So long. It had been so long since he had thought about any of it. So long since he had felt the phantom thrill of a hoverboard chase thrum in his veins. Since he had flown throughout the city, free - secure in the knowledge that everybody would smile back, the future clear and bright, the horizon filled with infinite possibilities. All of them beautiful, because he hadn't been alone. So long since he had thought about crazy parties and intense hangovers, of living. Living on the edge, knowing that one careless mistake would cost you your life, but still. Living.

And the longing was so strong, the life he had left behind so tempting when he swept his gaze over Fox. So strong that his knees buckled and he had to question for a second if it had been worth it. If Jin had been worth it.

And then the bastard touched Taehyung, caressed his cheek even though the younger was clearly uncomfortable, and Hoseok snapped out of the haze that had fallen on him, shame eating him alive.

Because how could he have even thought about leaving Jin behind?

Jin was worth everything.

Hoseok stepped on his board and glided forward, keeping to the shadows. Even from a distance, he could make out that the other male was clearly intoxicated and he didn't want to startle him, not with Taehyung in between them.

Fox had always been a lightweight - the only one out of them all. He swayed on his board and cupped Taehyung’s face, leaning forward. The younger looked terrified, frozen in place. Hoseok saw red.

No one was allowed to touch his brothers. Not under his watch.

He had always been fast, the fastest on the board and the one with the most control. And that same speed helped him reach them within seconds. He ripped the other away from Taehyung, pushing the younger behind him protectively.

How could he have, even for a second, regretted saving Jin?

He swung at Fox.

Fox. He scoffed. It was ridiculous thinking of the other man by his racer name but he didn’t want to associate him with his real name. Didn’t want things to get personal. Didn’t want to relieve a whole hoard of memories he was better off burying. Of letting the skeletons he had hidden so long in his closet, out now.

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