Part 15

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In an old warehouse, the White Fang were moving crates as Emerald and Mercury entered. 

Roman spotted them "Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!" He said as he approached the two from behind and wrapped his arms around them in a group hug.

Emerald shivered in disgust "Spare us the thought of you procreating."   Emerald and Mercury pulled away from Roman. 

"That was a joke. And this... just might tell me where you two have been all day." Roman produced a piece of paper.

"What!? Agh..." Emerald groaned as Roman grinned cockily

"I'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something." He held up the piece of paper. "Why do you have this address?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yeah, I would. Now where have you been all day?"

Mercury took an angry step forward "Cleaning up your problems. One of them, at least."

"I had that under control."

"Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise."

"Listen, you little punk. If it were up to me, then I would take you and your little street rat friend here and..."

"Do what, Roman?" Cinder appeared on a platform above them. She stepped onto an automated lift, riding it down to their level.  Roman laughed nervously "I'd, uh... not kill them?"

Cinder scowled at him I thought I made it clear that you would eliminate the would-be runaway. 

Roman started to speak "I was going to..."

"Correction, I was going to" another form, dressed in black with electric blue eyes and amber hair took a step out of the darkness around them.

"He was going to escape to Vacuo! Mercury and I decided to take it upon ourselves to kill the rat."

"I think he was some sort of cat, actually."

"What? Like a puma?"

"Quiet. Did I not specifically instruct you two to keep your hands clean while in Vale?" Cinder asked as Roman pointed a finger at the pair while laughing in agreement.

" I just thought..."

" Don't think... obey. "

"Yes ma'am. It won't happen again."

Cinder turned to Roman and the newcomer "And you. Why wasn't this job done sooner?  Roman pointed to his right, then to his left, then behind him. " Uh..? Eh..? Eh..? EHHHHH! Sorry if I've been busy stealing every speck of Dust in the Kingdom!"

The newcomer gave him a look of contempt "I have no excuse save for the fact that an IED was in his bag, as soon as he passed the border it would explode" he said cooly

Roman continued talking "Look around, kid. I've got this town running scared! Police camping out at every corner, Dust prices through the roof, andwe're sitting pretty on an old warehouse with more Dust crystals, vials, and rounds than we know what to do with! Speaking of which, ifyou guys wouldn't mind filling me in on your grand master plan, it might make my next string of robberies go a little smoother!" He emphasised the last word by clenching his fist.

  Cinder approached Roman. "Oh, Roman. Have a little faith." She placed her hand on his face. "You'll know what you need when you need to know it." Roman seemed entranced, but then looks away with a grunt.

"Besides, we're done with Dust." She began to walk away. 

"then what now?" The man in black asked

"We're moving. Have the White Fang clear out this building. I'll send you details and coordinates tonight."

  "Coordinates?" Roman asked

  Cinder Looked back at Roman. "We're proceeding to phase two." She said as she, Mercury and Emerald begin to walk away.

Roman attempted to light a cigar, but realized Emerald has stolen his lighter. She turned back to face him and sticked her tongue out defiantly.

The man turned to Roman and then emerald "she's good" he said before walking off.

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