Part 10

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Glynda turned back to the group she was leading, Damn peach had to go and tutor some third years, leaving her with this lot who were supposed to be walking through the forest, however most of them were sightseeing

"Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so."  She said, deliberately grabbing their attention with the word die.

The group stops, and Jaune, grunting and carrying a large case with six empty glass jars on top, tried to catch up with them and ends up bumping into Cardin. The bully scowls at Jaune, who attempts to feign innocence by whistling tunelessly. 

Glynda, oblivious to all of this was still instructing her group, holding up a full jar of their objective. "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here by 4 o'clock. Have fun!" 

While Yang Xiao Long and her sister smiled at one another, Jaune attempted to sneak away from Cardin to his team, unfortunately stealth was not his strong suit and the blackmailer sees this and grabs Jaune by the back.  Cardin smiled rather ironically "Come on, buddy - let's go!"  He said, not seeing Y/N watching them

Jaune miserably looked up at his team, where Nora and Ren were already walking into the forest's depths and Pyrrha was staring sadly at the scene. Dropping his gaze, Jaune turned and followed CRDL, much to the disappointment of a sighing Pyrrha before she continued on. 

Team CRDL made themselves as comfortable as possible by leaning on stones, trees, and the ground while Jaune returned to the group with six full jars, setting them down just as he collapses face-down.

The surrounding team gets up in response.  Cardin grinned "Hey, great work, Jauney boy! Now that wasn't too hard, was it?" 

Jaune who was still on the ground, cross-eyed and sounding dizzy merely replied "I think I'm allergic to this stuff..." 

Cardin nodded and cut across this remark "Greeeeat, great, great. So, Jaune, I bet you're asking yourself, 'Why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us?'" 

Jaune nodded, still exhausted however. "That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today, yes." 

Cardin talked as Jaune sits up "Well, come with me, and you'll find out."  Jaune moans at the concept of walking more and gulps in worry.

Now perched on a hilltop overlooking the other students, team CRDL - plus Jaune, squeezed between Cardin and Russel Thrush - stuck their heads over the crest and watched as everyone retrieved their samples of sap. Ren, kneeling to collect it from a tree, passes a full jar to Nora, who "Mmmm!"s at the gift as Ren trades it for the other empty jar in her care. He turns back to the tree and starts filling it up while several licking sounds are heard and Ren looks back to Nora, now with an embarrassed smile covered in red and an empty jar in her hands. 

Jaune turned to Cardin to his left "Cardin, wh-what's going on?"  Cardin was still staring at the unsuspecting group sharply "Payback."  He said without averting his eyes. Jaune widened his eyes in understanding "Pyrrha...?" Jaune watched her gather more sap from a tree

"Wh-what are you-?"  Jaune started before Cardin cut across him angrily while pounding his fist on the ground "That's the girl. Red-haired know-it-all, thinks she's so smart. Alright, boys..." he produced a buzzing cardboard box with a large "W" written on its side from beside the group

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