Tiny pauses...

11 3 0

Days have gone by.
It's one month that the baby is with us.
Wait, she's no more the baby, we named her of course.
It was some 20-25 days back that suddenly Miss came up with the thought that why we call the baby 'the baby'. I couldn't understand anything.  The baby is the baby why shouldn't we call her 'the baby'. Then I guess after looking at my null expression Miss said that the baby should be given a name, that she couldn't be called as the 'the baby' all the time.
She had a point.
Ella and I stayed the whole night thinking of nice good names, individually, but nothing came. Then early at the morning, the next day, we both started thinking together. It was as early as 4:00 Am or something.  It was that early because we never slept that night. It started with randomly speaking names. Really random names. Making names out of naming pattern and so. And with each name the voice got louder. Louder and louder.... until one which we both shouted at the same time.
Miss Bragenga already woke up with our yell, she came in rubbing her eyes, placing her glasses.
She stood at Ella's door, the room in which were in, and smiled.
I repeated, smiled and confirmed. Ella then jumped in, "why not Ali as her pet name?" I nod.
So, Alicia, her name, and Ali her pet name.


We couldn't really spend our days as such, we were growing, Ali was growing.
Ella got a job, in a gift shop, maybe better than what the teens do during summer.
. So during most of the daytime it'll be me looking after her. And night-care is fixed by keeping her with either one of us on each alternate nights.
Everything's fine.
All of us us happy.

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