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I saw black.
Nothing was there. I felt as if a black hole swallowed me and I couldn't do anything now.
I felt a soft touch in my hand and then I realized that my eyes were closed. I opened them, slowly.
No It wasn't mom.
Neither Dad.
........... not even Dawn and the touch wore a glove.

"M-mo-mom. Mom" I tried to yell but it never came out.
I'm shouting but in my mind. My throat felt numb. My mouth couldn't utter anything.

"You are okay?" The person holding my hand asked. But that voice was unrecognizable. It wasn't any familiar. My head felt as it was swimming in a pool of pain.  And I noticed it was a nurse.
"Pa-aing" I spoke but it never came out.
Everywhere. Everywhere I can think of is paining. It hurt.
I couldn't even move my body.
I have never faced anything as such. I couldn't even clearly see the person talking to me. All I can see that she was wearing a white dress, her face was blurry.

"Don't worry. Sleep."

"But. U-gh"

"No. Nothing. Sleep"

My eyes felt heavy. I was not anywhere. And Idon't know anything.

"I can sit?" I asked to the many  doctors examining me, with my raspy voice.  There are many of them, looking at my flaws, my newly created physical flaws that they are trying to heal.
"Yeah. Just try. .." One of them said.

I lifted my head up. Someone, with a gloved hand lighting forced my head up so that I was seated. I moved my head. I could see my light green hospital gown and white walls, bare of every feeling.
And i could see, some 8-10 people around me, none of which I recognize.
One of them smiled at me," you're up after seven days, you know? "

"I was asleep?" I blinked, unable to digest what he just told me.
"Yes. But you will be able to walk very soon"
I should 've been happy at what he said but, I couldn't find myself anywhere. Where was I before seven days? Why am I here.

"The head injury is okay now, other parts have somethingsto heal" I think they sensed my expressions. So is that why I can't remember anything?

Just then I noticed myself. A bandage around my head. A bandage around My right hand biceps. Both my legs. And just many more there. 
Then I started thinking, why I was there. I closed my eyes. The car. Mom. Dad. Dawn. Everyone....
"Mom.. Dad...?" I was mumbling in my thoughts. But where they are.
This time i shouted,"Mom? Dad? Where are they?"
None gave any answers. I straightened my look towards them and shouted loud,"Where's my sister?!!"
Some of the people have started seeing each other and whispering things at each other.
I just need to see them. I need to. I can't think of anything happening to them. No.
"Ug. Ashton Grayson you should get some sleep"
"Ashton, don't shout. You'll hurt yourself."
I was just about to shout once more. I was in tears. I was ripped apart from my own family. I cannot. Just then I got a pinch in my arm. A nurse injected me. My eyes were heavy.
Suddenly,  as I was lying back, slowly moving out of consciousness.
"Are they hurt?" I asked. Scenes of that day were flooding. Are they hurt. Are they in some other rooms under medication. Are they okay.

"Do you remember anything? " one of them asked.
I was racing with thoughts. Many things were coming. Up and down. I could remember how I pleaded to drive that day, how I was in my full self, how fast I was driving,talking with the air. Then..... I could remember that scene Where that vehicle.
I was heavily breathing till then. My forehead had drops of sweat trickling. I was grasping for air.
It was in a blink of eye that I saw the truck hit. I was holding the handle of the door, that opened and surprisingly I rolled out.

After that I could see only blood.

A vehicle with loud sirens came. My body was picked up by some and put in a bed. In a vehicle. From there I could see our car. It's a mess now. The truck did a big job. But then, two bodies draped in blood were bought out from there. I could feel people pricking  my skin wrapping me in bandages. But those bodies were put inside a vehicle. And I couldn't see anyone doing anything to them. I just fell in to a slumber.
"Mom! " I woke up with that horrible nightmare, breathing, sweating.
"Mom.." two nurses came running, checking my IV machine.
"They''re dead. Isn't it?"
"Drink some water." One of them offered me some. I pushed away with all the might in my weak hand. And I could hear the glass break.
"Just tell me that!, they're dead, isn't it?"
I was crying.

"Um... actually. .actually."
" Yeah. They are dead"

I was broken. I couldn't hear it. It was a dream. No. Nothingcame from me then. I fell asleep. Unconscious.
Only black.
Just black.

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