2 years back

21 8 6

*Bam* I heard a noise as I parked the car into our extra tiny garage, where their are about 8 flower pots by the sides.  Before I come out of the car,  or give any explanation , mom shouted "Ashton!!!"
How can I even utter anything. She will kill me now. Oh God help me.
"Ashton." She came out and stood in the front porch saying my name flatly. Okay it's serious.
"Mom. Just that the pot broke... Sorry." She was still looking at me giving that look and I'm scared of that.
"It won't  happen again. Sorry"
She gave me one angry look and left. Not that I've got into real dangerous situations with my weird works, but well, mom scares me. Still.
I ran in.
I shouted.
"Speak softly" My elder sister, Dawn, spoke up. Though she's an elder sister, 4 years older than me, she's like a mom(at times) and a 5 year old (at times).
"Why to speak softly. It's my vacations. I need to enjoy it." I said, again in a loud voice.
"Ash. You are 15. Not a baby, to tell you what to do and what not to." Mom spoke.
"Whatever,"  I mumbled.
And before I could say anything more, they left. Like am I their son? Real son? Real biological son? Or just picked up from somewhere.
"Ashton. Have your lunch" Mom shouted. Shouted but softly. Their mother-daughter logic of 'soft-shout'.
Usually I would've never gone to lunch, together with them but some things are there today. Some things are to be managed today.

"Mom. Dad" I smiled as I sat down. It's a holiday, so everyone's home.
Dawn yet shooting a glance of how I  shouldn't have greeted so loud.
"And I'm not giving you anything " Dad said. Yes, dad sensed my words.
"No. Nope." Dad announced.
Dawn smiled at me. And I shot the glance.
"But dad. I just want to go to granny's house" I revolted.
"We're all going Tomorrow, right?" Mom says.
"But mom........." I tried to argue but no words came.
"What?" Dad asked.
"See, if we go tomorrow, more than half of the day will pass on travelling."
"Dad please.  It's my vacations. I don't want to waste a day in travelling. Let's go tonight. "
"Tonight? "
"Yes. We'll reach by tomorrow morning, at like 5 Am. So, it'll be good."
I reasoned.
"And like we know she's too ill. She'll feel happy if she sees us." I re-reasoned. A puppy face. But my sister's the best at these and today she's not opening her mouth today.

But suddenly.
"Yes. Mom-dad, we should do that. She's quite ill, Laura informed me today. " Dawn spoke up. Laura is her caretaker.
Awwwwh. Yess. I'm sure she's my REAL sister. True one. I love my sister.

"No need to look at me.  I'm not trying to help you. I love my granny. Okay "
Dawn said. She could just sense my things.  Huh. Whatever.
It's like we're not very close to our extended family, and my paternal grandma is the only one we've good terms with. She lives alone in her town, where she spent her whole life, and the town that merely looks like a town now. We asked her to stay with us, but for her, her own house means very much. So she stays with a caretaker because she's ill. Too ill.
Mom and dad both looked at each other. Nodded.
"Okay. We'll leave at  9 today. "
"Yaaayy!!!!!." I shouted.

Say something.
(Puppy face)

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