Chapter 16

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"Rose.. Rose wake up... you damn dork wake up!" That voice... I know that voice... Shisui.. He's gone though why am I hearing him..? I could feel a warm grasp on my shoulders, it felt as though I was being carried. 

 Am I dead? 

"Damn it. Damn it!" I heard his voice again, my body felt so weak my mind was not focusing on the world around me. 

"Oh no what happened?!" I could hear a woman now, she was yelling her voice was so frantic I could feel by body being placed on something firm. Does death have to be so loud? Everything became more muffled and I was out again.

Beep beep beep beep

The subtle and rhythmic sounds began to fill my ears I opened my eyes squinting at the light on in a small bedroom. My eyes scanned the room examining every detail, there was a monitor to my left two small dressers on either side of me. There was a door a few feet in front of the red blanketed bed I was currently in. There was only one window in the room, it still seemed to be dark outside. I winced slightly at the piercing pain in my abdomen, there was a bandage wrapped securely around the wound. 

"Shisui..." I whispered, I know it was him, it had to be.

"Itachi!" I yelled realizing what had happened and the soon to be outcome. I covered my mouth quickly acknowledging that im in an unfamiliar place. I could hear someone walking down a hall outside my door. The door handle turned for what seemed to be forever, and entered an older woman. She was smaller her face looked very gentle but her grey hair showed her age and experience with the world. 

"Im sorry my dear but Itachi isn't here. How are you feeling? That's a nasty wound on you, do you mind telling me what happened?" She asked as she looked at me questioningly her eyebrows raised slightly. 

"I don't know you. I also want to know how I made it to this place. My friend Shisui.. please did he bring me here?" I asked, my voice sounded slightly desperate for her response.  The woman didn't see fazed by the question. 

"No my dear, he didn't bring you here. Get some rest now, you need all you can get to heal." She smiled at me before turning to leave. My brows furrowed deeply as soon as the door clicked shut, my heart felt like it was in my stomach and it made me sick. 

"That bastard." I merely whispered to myself, clinching my fist tightly. I knew I needed to go after Itachi even in this shape. I thought we were in this together, and he tried to kill me I don't understand this, and Shisui... I know it was him. I have to get out of here, and find Itachi first.

I glanced to the window, my teeth gritted together as I pulled leads off, pushing my wounded body to stand. My hand rested on my abdomen for protection, my brain told my legs to move to my escape. Approaching the window slightly off balance, I reached to push the cold face of the window open. A smirk crossed my face as I knew the pain my body was about to endure. I slowly hoisted myself through the window, my abdomen taking the weight of my body exhaling a small grunt as I was free of the unfamiliar place. Anger filled my body, my hand clutched my abused abdomen. I quickly formed hand signs keeping my mind clear and patience leveled, as my hands came to an end to their dance I waited. 

"Keno.. come on.." I whispered to myself, listening closely to the dancing of the leaves and critters singing. My ears perked at the sound of subtle feet, or more should I say paws. A smirk planted itself on my face. A large black wolf approached me, bowing slightly. 

Keno.. he was my brothers summon animal, you see Keno was my brothers back up with any mission they had. But.. after everything happened I didn't want to see Keno, it was hard enough losing my brother. Usually when a summon loses its summoner it moves on and chooses another. I thought Keno could move on, but one night he came to me and told me if I ever needed him to call on him. He didn't seem to be taking the lose like any normal summon.

"Rose... I have not seen you in a very long time." He said sadly, lifting his large head his eyes scanned my body then meeting my own.

"Keno... its been a very long time. I hope you have been well, I need your help. I can't explain now but I need you to get me home. Ill explain everything on the way." I said to him looking back at the house nervously, he simply nodded and crunched down for me to climb up. His fur was so soft, more so than that window.

Keno made sure I was settled before sprinting into the forest, keeping his nose bobbing lightly to keep a scent. I focused on the path that Keno was going, I began explaining what had happened or at least what I could remember. Keno listened intently to the story I was telling, he waited until the end to speak up. 

"He's going to take the Clan out to stop a war... Interesting... Rose there are a lot of things that you don't know yet. Things between the Leaf  and your Clan, your brother was a double agent Rose. But you see he was more loyal to the Clan than the Leaf. The Leaf has always wanted the eyes of the Uchiha, your brother was caught being a double agent and was killed because of it. He knew he was going to be caught, I would have stood on the side Kiro chose even if I didn't agree with his choice. Kiro had learned a lot of forbidden jutsu's, a man named Donzo ordered the attack he wanted to obtain his eyes and wanted to get all the info possible out of the Uchiha Clan. Kiro stood strong and accepted his fate, he wouldn't tell the Uchiha plans. Donzo wants the war to happen, you see if a civil war starts no one is looking to the overseer... he wants to over throw The Leaf." 

Keno said, his paws hitting the ground swiftly, I clinched onto his fur tightly at the new news. Something inside of me snapped, my anger began to boil  my chest became very tight.

"He's hoping we would tell our Clan about this so a war would start... Itachi was right... we need to take the clan out... but why would he stab me Keno?"  I said glancing to the back of his bobbing head, his right ear slowly pulled back then flicked back straight.

"I don't know Rose.. your house is right up ahead." Keno said slightly dismissive, I looked at the lights that were getting brighter the closer we got. My brows furrowed at the small familiar home as we approached my once home Keno slowed down to a halt crouching so I could climb off. 

"Thank you Keno." I said looking to the large black wolf I knew as a child. I smiled lightly to him, giving his soft head a pat. Keno pushed his head into my head lightly giving me a small smiled in return. 

"Rose. I would like to continue being your summon officially, things have never been the same since Kiro.." He said dropping his head slightly, his eyes glancing towards me then returning to the ground. 

"Of course Keno. I will be right back." I nodded to him and rushed inside, attempting to hurry down a hallway and into my room. Everything looked just as it did lonely and empty, I glanced to my dresser which had my Black Opp uniform. I quickly changed into my uniform leaving the mask and headband on the dresser. Glancing at myself in the mirror a sense of discomfort crossed my body.

This uniform... this isn't who I am, I feel like im losing myself. Shaking my head at the thought penetrating my mind I picked up a kunai and slashed a deep line into my mask. I let out a low growl, im so angry with this village, so angry with myself. I looked at the headband, slashing deeper this time into the metal straight through the leaf symbol. 

I belong to no one. Im through being a child, im through being pushed around. Donzo, im coming for you, you will not be Hokage. No one will have these damn eyes.

I slipped the mask on, my abdomen was no longer my worry, ill kill him even if it means killing myself. But things took a turn when I heard my name being called, my hair stood at the voice.



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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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