Chapter 14

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Itachi stood beside me staring at them his eyes were emotionless, they looked between us and handed me a note. I looked at the small piece of paper, my eyes recognized the handwriting on it to Shisui's. I opened the small note and read it to myself, Itachi's eyes glanced down to it reading as well.

I'v grown tired of my duties, there is no future for the Uchiha nor for me. I cannot walk the "path" anymore.

"We found him in a river this morning, know anything about that?" One of them said, I shook my head my eyes were empty as I looked at them. His eyes looked at me and smiled a little, amusement danced across his eyes.

"Interesting. Considering you are all so close and you don't know anything about this? Itachi you are also here with Rose, which doesn't sit well with me either." The man spoke glancing between us, I clenched my fist up. He grunted at us as they turned to walk away, my body felt so heated. Itachi pushed past me his fist were balled up as he followed them into the street.

"You think we killed him? Why don't you come out and say that then!" Itachi spat out, I could see the rage radiating off of him his eyes were now red and filled with anger. His eyebrows were furrowed deeply as he put a hand on his kunia. They turned to glance at him their eyes red as one stepped away from the group with a smirk watching Itachi.

"You want to fight huh? Got more aggression to get out even after killing Shisui?" He said with a smirk, my teeth gritted together as I walked beside Itachi. My red eyes slowly looking up to them, it was different this time from all the rest it was almost advanced I could see their chakra and the way it flowed through their body.

"If you bastards ever say his name in vain I will slaughter all the people you have ever loved, letting you live so you can suffer through the pain. So you can sit and ask yourself why wasn't it you instead."  I said with a growl, my chest was tight my eyes seemed to pierce right through them. I could see one of them back away slightly as he looked at me with shock then became firm.

 I glanced around at all the people looking at us who were staring in fear, I closed my eyes for a moment out of frustration girting my teeth together as I fell to my knees. I bowed deeply letting my forehead touch the warm dirt, I heard Itachi shuffle beside me and he was bowed deeply to them.

"Forgive me. I was out of line, the past few missions have been rough on me then I come home to find this out. Please accept my apology sir." I said staring at the ground in front of me, I felt completely empty and trapped. I felt disgusted with myself for bowing to these incompetent fools.

"Forgive me, I shouldn't have started anything he was my best friend." Itachi said plainly, my eyes glanced over to him, his hair was now pushed over his shoulders as his eyes stayed locked onto the ground. I could tell he was frustrated like I was at their taunting. 

"Itachi, Rose. What's going on?" I could hear Itachi's father approaching, we slowly lifted our heads glancing at him. He looked between us and glanced at the Uchiha, his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

"We have just found out about Shisui sir, im sorry I stepped over the line with what I said." I said as Itachi stood up and extended a hand out for me to use. I took it and stood to my feet brushing the dirt off of me. 

"Move along then, im sure you have business to attend to." He said glancing between us and the other Uchiha who nodded to him and walked away. I watched as they were finally out of sight and nodded to Itachi as we started walking Itachi's father grabbed his arm pulling him close.

"Keep your composure, it doesn't look good they are suspicious of you as is." He said quietly to Itachi. Itachi nodded slightly as his face became firm and hard to read again. We turned and continued our journey to meet with the Hokage, getting there was all a blur to me I just didn't care about the world around me.

As we entered the Hokage's office there was another man standing in the room with him. Itachi and I both bowed to the Hokage, once we straightened back up our eyes fixed on him.

"Itachi, Rose. Nice to see you, Rose I hope you're feeling well after you injury." The Hokage said, I nodded to him waiting for him to speak further.

"I'm sorry to hear about Shisui, he was trying to do good for the village but I guess he couldn't handle it in the end. I'm sorry, but we will have to move forward with a different plan this is Donzo. We talked to Shisui, he had a plan to try to change the Uchiha's minds but I believe he couldn't handle it anymore." 

The Hokage said glancing to Itachi who kept his focus and nodded in response. My eyes squinted slightly at the name Donzo, he is the one who attacked Shisui. I glanced at him keeping my eyes distant with my emotions, so you're the one. 

"The Uchiha need to be dealt with, they are a small clan that we can risk to lose for the sake of a war." Donzo said staring at Itachi and I as he spoke, we both nodded in agreement. 

"Yes, that is true Donzo. Itachi, Rose, I know this may be a bit much to ask but I would like you to wipe your clan out, if this isn't a job you think you can do then we will find another plan. If one of their own strikes them then they will no longer look at the Leaf." The Hokage said looking between us. I glanced at the ground, my mind running over the words he said but maybe this is the best way. 

"I have one condition, I want Sasuke to live and maybe one day he can restart the Uchiha clan." Itachi said looking firmly at the Hokage, who tilted his head slightly pounding over the thought.

"I will allow this, thank you for doing this for the Hidden Leaf." The Hokage said, Itachi shook his head looking at the Hokage his eyes were empty before he replied.

"Im not just doing this for the Hidden Leaf, many people will die if this isn't taken care of." Itachi said glancing between Donzo and The Hokage. They both nodded, Donzo studied us like we were a science experiment. 

"You are both dismissed. We will talk again." The Hokage said, we bowed to him leaving his office.  

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