Chapter 13

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"Rose look at me please." Itachi said in a gently voice, I pulled away from his now wet shirt glancing up at him. His face was soft and I could see the red in his eyes and it wasn't from his sharingan, it was from the tears he shed.

"We have to keep pushing forward for Shisui, we have to make this right. I promise you that I won't leave you, you can count on me. Do you remember when we were little and Shisui told you it's okay to cry but then you have to pick yourself back up and focus on the road ahead?"

 He said, his hand moved to my cheek caressing it lightly as he gave me a reassuring smile. My tears kept falling, my body couldn't shake the pain and I couldn't keep my composure. I felt his thumb run gently across my cheek, wiping my tears away.

"Can I feel broken for right now Itachi? Is that okay?" My voice came out ragged and hard to hear as I spoke, Itachi nodded at my reply pulling me back into a tight hug. 

"Yes, that's okay Rose." He said his voice was a whisper almost, my soul felt so dead inside, but when Itachi is here it doesn't feel as heavy as it should. 

We made our way back into the village I looked around at all the dimly lit stores that were getting ready to close. We continued to walk through the village, my body seemed to move on its own. As we reached my house, it was dark and quiet on the outside. I glanced to Itachi who looked down at me once we stopped at the front door. 

"Itachi... can you please stay tonight..?" My words came out in a whisper, as I looked at the ground. His hand reached up and brushed a strand of hair away from my face gently.

"Of course." Itachi said his words were laced with sadness, I turned to open the door turning on the dim lights as we came into the living room. The house had a strangely more eerie feeling to it than it once did. 

"Thank you Itachi." I said quietly as I walked down a hall in my house leading us into my room, I reached to turn the lights on. Looking around the room was white, with a bed that had a large blue blanket on it. There was a desk to the right of the bed that had some of my books laid on it, along with a large chair next to it. 

I glanced to Itachi who observed my room, he glanced over to the chair and went over to sit in it. I went to my closet reaching up to the top shelf I grabbed a soft blanket. I brought it over to Itachi who took it from me laying it over his body.

"I'm sorry for making you stay with me Itachi." I said as I sat down on my bed, glancing at him he shook his head in protest.

"No it's okay.. I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts." Itachi said pulling the blanket up closer to his face, shifting his weight around in the chair until he found the right position. I nodded, as I shuffled my body under the blankets. Looking up to the bright white ceiling I let out a small sigh. 

"I guess in the end the Uchiha could have shaken Shisui's jutsu and it would have come back to a head." I said with my eyebrows furrowed, my thoughts rummaged over Shisui's plan. 

"Yeah, I think they would have been able to see through it eventually." Itachi said, I could hear him shifting his weight around in the chair again. I glanced over to see his chin was resting comfortably in his hand. 

"I guess we will talk to the Hokage, and go from there then." I said as he looked over to me and nodded slowly his eyes now seemed emotionless. I rolled towards him so my body was now facing him his eyes looked so empty, I snuggled my face down into my pillow.

"Get some sleep, I know it won't be easy but you need it for your strength." Itachi said giving me a small smile, I could see the worry in his eyes that he was trying to hide. I smiled back a little watching him, I pulled the blankets up to my nose and nodded to him shutting my eyes. Sleep was forced onto my body, the light and sounds of the room began to fade away from me.

"Rose... Rose!" My eyebrows furrowed at the familiar voice, my eyes fluttered open and I sat up slowly. Glancing around I could see bright trees around me, I looked over to the familiar voice to see Shisui, his eyes were gone as blood seeped from the empty holes.  

"Shisui!" I yelled trying to get up but I was stuck for some reason, I glanced down to see my hands being held to the ground by large hands. I clenched my teeth in frustration snapping my head back to Shisui.

"Why didn't you save me Rose? You said you would protect me... why did you lie to me?" Shisui said as he coughed up blood, spewing it onto the ground in front of him. My body filled with remorse I began shaking my head vigorously at his words. 

"No Shisui! I tried to save you... please believe me!" I said in desperation as tears began to stream down my cheeks. I could hear someone else approaching me, I glanced over to see Itachi who had blood coming from his mouth, his clothes were tattered and he looked severely wounded.

"Itachi!" I yelled looking at his body as he struggled to walk up to me, his legs staggered on the ground. 

"You let me die too Rose, after everything you just let us die?" Itachi said stopping in front of me, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I glanced down to see my shirt soaking up blood my eyes widened at the sudden change. 

'"Itachi, Shisui I didn't let you die I swear!" I screamed as he came up to me pulling out a kunia slowly as he smiled down at me.

"Now you die too Rose." Itachi said as he swung the kunia at me .

I as my eyes opened quickly I began gasping for breath, I looked down noticing my shirt was soaked with sweat. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, I took a few deep breaths trying to slow it down. It was just a dream Rose calm down.

I glanced over to Itachi who seemed sound asleep, he looked so peaceful his hair was pushed back slightly away from his face because of his position. His mouth was slightly open, I could hear the small inhales he was making. My eyes then went down to my hands studying them remembering last night, I felt like I was going to vomit.

I shoved the blankets off of me and ran out of my room and down a hall into the bathroom. I fell to my knees, as the burning liquid traveled up my throat into the toilet. I felt someone pull my hair back gently, keeping it held behind my shoulders. Itachi kept silent, as more of the burning liquid came up my throat. I gasped trying to get air back into my body, I saw Itachi's hand extend out a rag to wipe my face with.

"Thank you." I said as I wiped my mouth of the terrible substance, I glanced to Itachi who stood up and extended his hand for me. I grabbed it using it for an extra pull to get off the cold floor.

"Get cleaned up and will will head to talk to the Hokage about everything." Itachi said releasing my hand as he walked out of the bathroom. I smiled a little watching him walk out, I need to be strong for him I refuse to stay weak.

Once I was showered Itachi and I were getting our things together when we heard a knock at the door. My eyebrows furrowed with confusion, I walked to the door and saw a few of the police Uchiha. 

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