Chapter 7

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I turned my head to see someone filling the open door, the silver hair and half covered face gave him away. Kakashi gave a greeting smile looking between the 3 of us his as he walked into the room, I could see his eye was fixated on me as he spoke with ease.

"Glad to see you're alive kid." He said with a small smile, his movement halted when he reached the bed. I smiled to him and scratched the back of my neck letting out a small laugh as I spoke.

"Yeah, me too." 

"We won't be doing any extensive missions until you get back onto your feet. The needle did some damage we won't know exactly what until we see how you do in training. It seemed as you were the intended target for the poison, do you know why that might be?" Kakashi questioned as he glanced at the ground interest filled his composure as he waited for me to speak. Shisui and Itachi looked at Kakashi with questioning looks, I was slightly taken aback at his question, as I spoke up.

"Because I had his comrade? But im guessing there is more to your statement that you're leaving out." Kakashi nodded his head and looked at me with a serious face as he spoke again.

"Do you know the truth behind Kiro's death?" Kakashi said examining my face, my eyes widened at the name that rang into my ears. My heart felt like it stopped for a moment as a surge of pain shot through my chest. I shook my head slightly trying to shove the feelings down, as I regained my serious composure I replied.

"What does my brother have to do with anything Kakashi?" He simply leaned up against the wall beside the bed and looked to the ceiling with thought as he crossed his arms over his chest and spoke clearly.

"Kiro of the Uchiha. At 15 he was a captain of the ANBU, when the war broke out he fought along side The Leaf. He was an extremely strong shinobi who possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan. His team turned on him killing him in battle, they went to take his eyes but they had already gone. Many people say that his sister inherited them after his death." My eyes widened at the fresh information that made my brain rattle, I instinctively looked at Shisui and Itachi my brows furrowed hard. 

"Did you know this." I said plainly with anger behind it, I stared at them both as I shifted my body in the bed. They both shook their heads as Itachi looked at Kakashi with interest as he spoke. 

"Rose doesn't have them, but if she doesn't then who does?" My brain pondered on his comment as I tried to search for an answer. Kiro what did you do with them?  

A few days had passed since I got out of the hospital, I have been trying to take it easy on my body still worrying about the poisons effects. Itachi and I were walking through town, making our way to the academy. 

"Im sure he will be happy to see you Itachi." I said with a smile looking at him, as the building came into view. We continued to walk until we got under a matured tree for shade against the hot sun. I could see several kids running out with a smile talking happily. My eyes locked onto a dark haired child, his onyx eyes were fixed on the ground as he walked out. 

"Sasuke." Itachi said with a soft smile, Sasuke's eyes looked up to the familiar voice and smiled brightly when he saw Itachi and I. I smiled and waved to him and he ran up to us happily.

"Big brother! You don't have a mission today?" Sasuke asked stopping in front of us excitement filled his eyes. Itachi shook his head with a smile as he looked at his shorter brother. Unlike Itachi's well put together hair, Sasuke's is more dramatic. I smiled to myself looking between them as Itachi replied to Sasuke's question. 

"No not today, lets walk home together." 

The 3 of us walked down the regular path that Itachi and I had taken earlier. I smiled as I saw Sasuke jump and turned to us proudly puffing out his chest lightly.

"I did good today, you guys should of seen me!" Sasuke said excitedly, with a big smile on his face. I laughed at his posture and rubbed his head lightly, he widened his eyes at the sudden attack.

"I bet you did amazing." I said with a big smile pulling my hand out of his slightly messy hair. He puffed his cheek out at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Rose!" He whined at me, and I couldn't help but to smile at him. 

"Good job, im proud of you Sasuke." Itachi smiled softly at his little brother, Sasuke looked embarrassed for a moment and then smiled brightly.

"I'll be amazing like you one day Itachi." Sasuke smiled as we continued to walk down the dirt path, the sun was hanging just above the trees, colors of orange and yellows morphed together above us. Why couldn't things stay simple, why so much hatred in the world. There will come a day Sasuke will see the brutal world, and posses the sharingan. 

I looked at Itachi and Sasuke as they smiled talking about Sasuke's day. I let out a small sigh, gazing to the fire looking sky. I felt a presence beside me as I looked to the trees I could see Shisui with a serious face, I gave a slight nod to him. 

"Itachi we have been summoned." I glanced to Itachi who had stopped laughing with Sasuke and nodded. Sasuke let out a huff of frustration, turning to Itachi.

"You always have to leave, you said you didn't have a mission and would walk me home!" Sadness crossed Itachi's eyes as he lifted his hand, his finger meeting Sasuke's forehead lightly. Sasuke stepped back some and touched his forehead, huffing at Itachi. 

"Next time Sasuke." He said, we nodded to each other flickering to the tree I saw Shisui in. I surged some chakra to my eyes, glancing around the area my eyes met with Shisui's red ones. He nodded for us to follow him, I could see his chakra as we ran through the trees swiftly. We finally came to a large clearing, there was a waterfall that rushed behind a cliff.

Shisui came to a halt and turned to us, as we dug our feet into the gritty dirt, we stopped closely behind him. Shisui's teeth were gritted together tightly as he looked at us speaking briefly. 

"I will be leaving on a mission for a few days. There have been a few shinobi from other villages trying to infiltrate the Hidden Leaf, you both need to keep your eyes and ears open. I can't stay for long, just stay safe." Shisui said and flickered away into the trees, his chakra moved extremely fast away from us. What the hell?

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