Chapter 9

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  Over the next few days Itachi and I did some small missions, he had become slightly guarded. We prepped our gear in a small room, I looked at Itachi who covered his face with a mask. His aura was different today, harder and more focused. I let out a small sigh as I put my mask over my face, Itachi walked past me leaving the room. It felt empty almost, it became colder suddenly. I looked to the ceiling, letting out another sigh I left the room meeting up with Kakashi and Itachi. 

We jumped through the mature trees leading us to the outskirt of the Leaf village, my eyes were absorbing the beautiful colors and sounds. Kakashi held his fist up indicating for us to stop, we halted waiting for his next move. He scanned the area swiftly, and nodded to himself glancing back at us.

"They have been here, they are just up ahead." Kakashi said motioning for us to move again I glanced at the abnormal sand on the dark colored dirt. I nodded to Kakashi pushing off the thick branch to the next branch behind him. I could see 4 different chakra's ahead of us, Kakashi came to a sharp stop as we got behind them. The hadn't seemed to notice us yet, I examined them as they walked. Sand shinobi? I questioned myself seeing the symbol on their headband, along with large gourds on their backs. One of them began to make hand signs quickly, my eyes brows furrowed. They knew we are here?

"Sand Cloud." One of them said bringing his arm up then slamming it to the ground. I could see the sand swirl around his arm like it was alive and it quickly darted towards us. We all quickly jumped to avoid the oncoming attack. I could hear the trees splitting behind me where we were once standing. My feet connected with the hard ground under me and I let out a sigh. I looked up seeing them smile at me, raising their eyebrows at me with amusment one of them spoke.

"You aren't very sneaky ya know? We are in a show for a fight though if you and your friends are up for it. Let's see how strong you really are." I glanced down at the ground smiling to myself, I could see the trap below me. 

They had set this up before we even got here. I could feel the sand climbing my leg wrapping tightly around me like a snake. The grip I was once in had been replaced with a clone, I flickered above them throwing a shuriken at one of them. The one I had aimed for quickly twirled a kunia with ease deflecting it into the ground next to him.

My feet slid the dirt back into a small cloud behind me as I landed with ease. I glanced up to hearing them chuckling, they began doing hand signs quickly, I swiftly moved back a few feet. Sand engulfed around us, I could feel pricks in my eyes as I squinted at where they once stood. I could feel Itachi flicker beside me, I pulled out my shuriken trying to see through the sand. I couldn't see past it, it was solid chakra infused sand evenly spread out. 

"Little late aren't you Itachi?" I said as I could feel his back press against mine, my eyes darted around what I could see. It was like a huge cloud of fog on a early cold morning enabling our vision. My ears could hear a small object passing through the air on either side of us, I pressed my back harder against Itachi.

"I'v got the right." I said glancing to my right, once I knew the object was in range I raised my kunia feeling Itachi's body move when I did. The objects met our kunia with a loud clashing noise before they stuck into the ground. My eyes continued to glance around, I kept my ears on guard. Itachi's back was slightly tense against mine, him being here gave me a sense of confidence. 

My head snapped to the sound of a grunt and splatter, the sand suddenly seemed less dense. I saw the shine of metal flying coming from Itachi, I examined the kunia as it glided through the air.  As the kunia flew the sand was parting away from it, 2 men could finally be seen. My hands danced signs quickly, my eyes now seeing the back of one of the men. I brought my leg up swiftly connecting it to his face, his body was falling when there was a gushing noise as his body fell limp to the ground.

My eyes glanced down to the man I just kicked, who now had a kunia sunk into his left eye. I looked to see the other 2 guys sprawled out on the crimson stained ground with holes in their chest. One of the bodies disappeared leave a small cloud of smoke, a clone that well done how interesting. The man that was once standing near me was now gone, the sand around us had completely dispersed. 

"We are only getting started." I could hear the voices around me suddenly, their chakra was moving swiftly around us. They were using the sand that was now around us to confuse where they were. The chakra control was very interesting to me, they moved so quickly being sure to cover themselves. Yes you're right this really is only getting started. 

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