Chapter 1

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"Itachi... please don't do this.." Rose coughed up more blood clutching her stomach tightly. Her eyes were begging him to stop but it was all in vein.

Itachi stood over her, a small glint of guilt crossed his eyes, but soon returned to the lifeless stature. His body loomed over hers, as he stared down at her, his once onyx eyes now turned red.

"I'm sorry Rose."

How about we start from the beginning?

"Rose come on lets go!" Shisui called to me, I smiled to myself as I grabbed my Hidden Leaf headband tying it to my head. Grabbing my kunai shoving it in the pocket on my thigh. I looked in the mirror checking to make sure I looked good. My black pants and shirt looked back at me, the fishnets on my arm and legs hugged me tightly.

"I'm coming Shisui!" I laughed as I walked to the front door, my red hair bouncing behind me, my laugh dropped to a smile as I looked at the boy in front of me. His back was against the door frame he wore a smile in his dark eyes. His brown hair danced across his forehead as he looked at me.

"Hey dork." He smiled watching me as I sat down and slid my shoes on quickly, my feet slipping into their comfortable home.

"You're the dork! What's on the agenda today?" I said teasingly, I stood up waiting for Shisui to answer.

"Yup! We are going training with Itachi, I told him to go on ahead." Shisui said giving me a thumbs up with a closed eyed smile. I skipped around him lightly, opening the door.

"Well lets get a move on then!" I said in an exciting tone, we had known each other for years. Itachi was always the shy and reserved one, but Shisui was always outgoing and trying to push us both to be better.

We walked till we got into the forest. It was so quiet out here, the birds singing is all you could hear. It was beautiful really, the mature trees around us were dancing gently with the breeze. As we walked further into the forest we had come to a clearing. Shisui had set everything up here for training, we would come here often to practice and clear our minds.

I saw Itachi standing by a big boulder, he heard us approach and glanced up, his long black hair was pulled back behind his shoulder neatly. As we got closer I smiled at him brightly, waving to him.

"Itachi!" I said as I continued walking to him with a smile.

"Hey Rose." He replied looking at both of us

"Yo." Shisui said raising his hand with a wave to Itachi.

"How about some target training?" Shisui smiled, and started walking to the targets that were hung on trees at different angles angels. Itachi and I followed suit until Shisui stopped and turned to Itachi.

"Itachi you first." Shisui said looking to Itachi.

Itachi only nodded and walked to his starting point. I could see the focus on his face, as he gripped the kunai tightly. I turned my head slightly my eyes focused firmly on Itachi, I felt a surge of chakra go into my eyes sharingan. Everything looked so much more enhanced, sounds and sights were much more clear to me.

Itachi looked up to his targets and his arm reared back and gracefully throwing the kunai quickly. His eyes shot to one of the kunai, he flipped his hand reveling a shuriken, throwing it to the right. It was like a bee to honey, it swiftly knocked one of the kunai down slightly. The metallic color reflecting the sun, and as quickly as it started it stopped. My eyes widened at the sight, he had hit all 6 of the marks. I examined the kunai, to the right that was attacked by the shuriken.

So he calculated that it wasn't going to hit its mark so he figured how much of a difference he was missing. I thought to myself, a smile danced on my lips. He always impresses me with how quick he is. I looked at Shisui who gave Itachi a thumbs up, with a bright smile.

RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora