The Aftermath

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Kaito and Gakupo stood together in the church after everyone else had left the service, holding onto each other. They both wore black suits.
The door opened, and Asuka, the new Vocaloid producer, walked in. She looked at the two for a moment, as if debating wether to talk to them or not. She decided not to, and left out the other door.
The two boys returned home in silence to find Asuka sitting at the table with coffee, sorting through papers. Meiko's papers.
All of the Vocaloids liked Asuka a lot. She was much friendlier and caring than Satoshi had ever been. She never picked favorites, and rarely disappeared into her office. She arranged everyone's schedules so that things weren't so confusing, and always arranged something fun for Sundays, when nobody ever had concerts or songs to record.
"Asuka? What are you doing?" Kaito asked, letting go of Gakupo's hand so that he could go change.
"I'm sorting through her papers, to try and get things in order. That way we don't have to go through a hassle with the media." She set another paper off to the side. Her elbow bumped into the coffee and would have knocked it over, if Kaito hadn't caught it.
"Careful. Your coffee almost spilled on the table." He set it on the microwave behind her and went off to his room. Once he changed back into everyday clothes, he lay down on his bed and thought about Asuka. She was kind and sweet, and cared a lot about the Vocaloids...unlike Satoshi..she had even decorated a small table in the living room with some things Meiko liked, in memory of her. Kaito felt like she worked too hard for them, almost as if she was scared of being disliked...oh well. She hadn't hurt herself of anyone else yet, so it must have been okay.
"Kai-Kaiiiiiii." Gakupo's voice came from the open door. "I'm gonna go for a bike ride. You wanna come?"
Kaito nodded and jumped off the bed, then followed Gakupo to the garage. He put on his blue helmet and mounted his silver bike, then set off after Gakupo in his purple helmet. The two of them biked from their driveway to the back roads, which weren't very busy. They soon found themselves nearing the forest, trees and shrubs becoming more common around them as they pedaled on. A few broken branches and twigs littered the path, and after a while it was too hard to continue. They turned around and headed back to the house, where they found Luka and Asuka making tuna casserole for dinner.
Everyone was just sitting down to dinner when Asuka sighed, walked into the kitchen, and returned with a bottle of sake. She handed everyone a wine glass and poured some of the drink in, then sat down.
"For Meiko. She would've been drinking this stuff if she was here." Asuka sighed and took a sip of hers, then started eating. Nobody said much, they all had a lot of things on their minds.
Kaito and Asuka washed the dishes together, and then they went to bed silently. Kaito went into his room to find Gakupo sitting on the bed in his pajamas, hugging his eggplant plushie to his chest.
"Hey Gaku," he said quietly as he went into the closet to change. Once he was dressed, he got into bed and pulled the covers over him and his boyfriend, and they curled up beside each other to sleep.
"Goodnight, Kaito."
"Night, Gakkun."

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