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"Happy American New Year, everyone. Go home for three days and come right back. Especially you, Kaito." Satoshi told the Vocaloids.

Kaito nodded quietly and left the house without any belongings. He didn't want to go home. He didn't want to see his parents, because he knew what they would do to him. But if he stayed, Satoshi would do the same things to him.

He opened the front door and was immediately faced with his father, who smelled of alchohol and cigarette smoke.

"Why the f**k are you doing here?" he snapped, his words slurring slightly. He dragged Kaito inside by his scarf, making it hard for him to breathe.

"S-Satoshi-san......said....go home," Kaito whispered, gagging. His father growled and grabbed an empty bottle of sake from the counter. "N-no....Please...Don't..." Kaito started to say, but it was too late. His father smashed the bottle over Kaito's head, hitting him over and over again with the broken, sharp pieces.

"No...Stop...Please..." Kaito sobbed, his voice breaking. Blood started to drip from his head, but his father didn't care. He got a rope made of iron and sharpened with a knife off of its hook and began to aggressively hit Kaito with it. After beating the bluenette to his satisfaction, the father threw Kaito into the dark cellar with all his might.

"I'm sorry......I'm sorry......I'm sorry......Please, forgive me....." Kaito sobbed to himself. It hurt. It hurt so much. He stayed in the darkness until Monday, when he could finally go back to the studio with Gakupo and Luka. Running outside in the cold early morning air, he ran as fast as he could until he reached the studio.

"Oh, Kaito! Welcome back!" Luka exclaimed with a smile as he walked in. Kaito waved to her and entered the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Is there...any miso?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah! Gakupo made some miso soup earlier. He left you some," Luka replied, taking a container from the microwave and handing it to Kaito, who, in response, smiled. He sat down at the table, quietly eating the miso soup while Luka went off to her room.

I wonder how their weekends went, Kaito thought. Probably better than mine.

He put his bowl in the sink and walked downstairs, bumping straight into Meiko.

"Oh, Kaito," she said, noticing him. "Please don't touch me." Kaito nodded, and Meiko saw the edge of a cut sticking above his collar. "Oh, wow," she whispered, smirking. "Looks like the little cringe nugget was punished. I hope you're not faking this. I'll tell Satoshi-!"

"He already knows," Kaito muttered with a heavy sigh. He brushed past the brunette and went into the closet, shutting the door and sliding down the wall to the floor. "I'm sorry," he whispered to himself. He wanted to go upstairs, to see Gakupo. There was something he needed to say.

"I want to get out of the closet. But then they'd never accept me then."

Erasing the Failure (Gakukai)Where stories live. Discover now