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Kaito opened his eyes slowly.

Where am I? he thought to himself, looking around at the white walls and ceiling. It looks like I'm in a hospital.

The door to the room opened suddenly, and Luka came in.

"KAITO!" Luka cried. She rushed over to Kaito's bed and embraced him in a hug, holding back tears. "I was so scared! I honestly thought you were going to die! You were so hurt, and there was blood everywhere.....Gakupo and I afraid...." Luka cried, her voice breaking into a sob. Kaito returned her hug, stroking her hair as she cried to try and comfort her.

"It's okay, Luka. I promise you and Gakupo that I'm not going to die anytime soon," Kaito whispered. Saying anything at all hurt, for some reason.

Having calmed down, Luka stood up and pulled a chair from the other side of the room to sit by Kaito. "So...When Gakupo and I got home after the ambulance took you to the hospital, everyone was freaked out. We told them what happened and everything, and Rin and Len started crying. Gakupo stayed up late to keep them calm, so that's why he isn't here. He's just as scared as I am." Luka stated. She toyed with her long pink hair, not having anything else to do. "I hope he'll come by to visit once he's well-rested."

Kaito simply nodded, not interested in talking. Luka, on the other hand, continued to talk. She told Kaito about the next concert, Miku's stupid mistake at rehearsal, and the Kagamine's failed attempt at a banana-and-orange cake. When she ran out of things to say, she gave Kaito another hug and went back home.

Kaito looked across the room at the window. The sun shone into the room, and he could see the city skyline. The snow on the rooftops glistened, sending little sparkles everywhere.

That's right, Christmas is this week. In 3 days, in fact, Kaito remembered. I still haven't wrapped everyone's presents...I wonder if I'll be home in time?

He gazed out the window for a little while longer, until the shadows began to grow long and the sky began to darken. His eyes were about to close when the door opened quietly.

"Kaito?" a male voice asked softly.

It was Gakupo......

"Are you awake?" he asked, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. "Sorry if you were sleeping. I just wanted to stop by." He sat down in the chair that Luka had sat in and took hold of Kaito's hand. "I'm glad to see you awake. I was afraid we had lost you," he stated.

"I promised....I promised Luka I wouldn't die. I'll promise you too," replied Kaito with a small smile. He bit his lip, annoyed at himself for talking when it hurt, for not telling Gakupo.

"I hope you'll be able to keep that promise," said Gakupo. Outside, the moon began to rise, turning the sky darker shades of blue and purple. "Kaito....Will you sing for me? I wanted to hear your voice again. To hear the notes you sing so well."

Kaito nodded and sat up straighter. Taking a deep breath, he began to sing.

"Wakare no kisetsu ni yureru hakanaki ichi ni ita

Ona...ji nukumor...i no kaze o dare mo ga sagashite aruiteru

Deai wa sora.....*cough*ni nagareru ononogu.....mono shita de

Kasanari......*cough*yaru tokei no you ni

Yuk....kuri to, yukkuri *cough* to, yukkuri to.......mawa...ri haji....meru...."

His voice was hoarse and cracked at several notes. He started coughing, and it hurt. It felt like someone was trying to tear out his throat.

"Kaito!" Gakupo cried. He ran from the room, trying to find the doctor. "What's going on?"

Kaito, meanwhile, was afraid. Something was wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen to Vocaloids......

So why did it happen to me?

Why can't I sing?

What's wrong with me?!

(Author's note! Thank you for reading chapter 2! I hope you stick around to find out what happens to Kaito! Tengoku he ikou~! and it's like midnight so goodnight everyone!)

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