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Something was wrong...Someone was...Someone was crying?!
He opened his eyes to see, and what he saw shocked him.
Gakupo...The one person who would almost never cry...he was crying...
"Gakkun...What's wrong?" he asked. "Tell me..." He lifted a cold hand to Gakupo's cheek, wiping away his tears. "Don't cry..."
The other boy pulled Kaito close to him, hugging his cold body tightly. "You scared me, Kaito...I thought you were already deleted..."
"I'll be okay...I'm sorry," the bluenette replied. "But I'm here now, aren't I?" He started to cough a bit, shivering.
"Yes, you are. Now let's get you some dry clothes and some rest, you need it," the samurai said and picked up his boyfriend bridal style, carrying him to his room.


The shower water splashed around Meiko as she rubbed the shampoo into her scalp. Whatever the heck kind of water had been in the room where she'd found Kaito, it had contained a virus. She hadn't been in it for too long, so she'd hopefully be okay, but she was a bit worried about Kaito. Sighing, she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, the situation taking over her mind. "I can't take this...Jeez..." she muttered. "...You've gotta be kidding me if you say he didn't even fight back." She left the bathroom to see Gakupo stretching and walking out of Kaito's room.
"Oh, Meiko. How are you feeling?" he asked, shutting the door behind him.
"I'm feeling better. That water contained something- it was either a virus, or the program that uninstalls things," she told him.
"If that's true, then we should keep a close watch on him...I don't want him gone." Gakupo smiled and patted her shoulder gently. "Don't worry, we'll get through this. Remember we can uninstall ourselves if we need to, and there's a chance we'll be reincarnated as humans." The two of them went into the living room and sat on the couch together, both deep in thought.
"Uninstallment...what is it really?" Meiko asked, after a few minutes. "What does it do to you? Do you shut down, never to be rebooted again, or do you just lose your memory and voice?"
"I think it's like 'death' that true humans experience...but for us, slightly different. You hear this little ringing sound in your ears, and then you begin to slow down...your movements slow, your voice gets softer, you stop processing what's happening around you...and then it starts to go black. First little spots at the edge of your vision, then bigger spots, and then you can't see anything at all. You can't speak, hear, touch, taste, smell...or process anything. You can't move. And then it's over. You're done, dead, and they take you to the 'trashbin' and dismantle you for parts. If you're valuable enough, they'll save your body and use some kind of space-age technology to make you a true human. At least, that's what Satoshi told me when I was created...I wrote it down," Gakupo said quietly.
"God, Gakupo...How do you know all this stuff?" Meiko asked, her eyes widening.
"Eh." He shrugged. "Good memory storage, I guess..."
At that moment, Kaito walked into the room. His hair was slightly damp from the shower, and he wore a grey sweater with blue jeans and his classic blue scarf. "Hey Gaku. Hey Mei. How're you doing?" he asked, speaking casually as if he'd just been out for a walk.
"We're fine, just contemplating uninstallment and death. For us, anyway, not true humans," Meiko said in the same casual tone. "Why don't you join us?"
"I think this is a little too dark, considering the situation he was just in," Gakupo protested, looking her in the eyes.
"I can handle it," Kaito said quietly. He walked around the couch and sat in the chair next to it, putting one leg up on his knee.
"I was just explaining the uninstall process to Mei. I was about to tell her how they get the uninstallment virus into you," Gakupo began. "They'll put it into a substance, like water, maybe your bath or your drink. Your food. Sometimes they'll even give you special toothpaste."
"Toothpaste? You're kidding," Kaito chuckled.
"I'm serious. They'll put it in a substance that they're sure you'll be submerged in, or something that you'll put in your system before anyone else does...that way they get the right one. And then, an hour or so later, you'll start to feel the 'symptoms'. Before you know it, you're gone and dead," the samurai Vocaloid explained.
"Jeez...I hope I never get as bad as having to be uninstalled. I know my popularity is nowhere near the level it was at in VOCALOID 1, but I'm trying my best..." Meiko murured.
"You're Satoshi's favorite, Mei. Hold onto that." Gakupo gave her a reassuring smile. "He'll never uninstall you, you;'re all he really needs."
"Shut up, Gaku." Meiko blushed a little. "I'm going to bed. You two sleep well."
"Sleep well, Mei." Kaito smiled at her as she left the room.
"Hey Kai...wanna sleep together tonight?" Gakupo asked softly, taking Kaito's hand.
"W-What?! No!!! We've only been dating for a day!" he shrieked.
"Oh my god. I mean like literally sleeping together. Like, just lying together in the same bed. With our clothes on." Gakupo laughed. "You're so innocent, Kai."
"Oh, alright then...if it's with you." Kaito purred and stood up, walking with his boyfriend to the bedroom.
The two of them slept soundly that night, curled up in each other's arms. Although the days ahead would be hard, it would be okay for now.

Erasing the Failure (Gakukai)Where stories live. Discover now