Are We Even Friends? (Nordic 5) {PART 1}

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This is one of the reasons you love him. He was such a nice chef and person!

"Good morning Emil~!" You smiled and sat down at the table.

"Morning _____. . ."

"And good morning Mr. Puffin!"

The bird cherped in response and you smiled.

Today was going to be a good day!


You got home alone, because Emil had to stay at the library for a book report.

You didn't really mind that much, but it did feel different. . .

Then you noticed something on the table. An envelope.

It was blue and red. Hetalia High colors.

What the. . .?

You quickly opened the letter and read, your eyes widened.

Dear _____ _____,

We are very sad to tell you that you need to give us $15,000 to retain your studies here at Hetalia Private High. If you cannot pay, then you cannot attend this prestigious school.


Principal Rome

Where were you going to get 15,000 dollars?!

You shut the envelope and sat on the couch in complete shock.

It looks like your parents only payed for 3 years, and they thought you could pay the rest on your own.

But sadly, you work in a cafe that doesn't pay much. Shit.

Loos like there is only one option, go to public school.


Today is now your first day at a public High School, and you were so nervous!

"Class, this is _____, she will be attending this school, make her feel welcome. _____, go sit by Alfred over there." He pointed to a boy with glasses and a cowlick.

You sat down next to him.

"Hi dudette! I'm Alfred F. Jones the hero~!" He shook your hand.

"Nice to meet you Alfred!" You greeted back.

"I'll show you around~! And we can hang out later if you want to!?" He asked.

You smiled. "Yeah, I'd really like that Alfred!"

It turns out, Alfred and his two brothers Matthew and Arthur couldn't pay for Hetalia Private High either! How ironic!

And, Alfred used to be the best of friends with Mathias and Gilbert!

But then he switched schools, and they never talked again.

That thought really scared you.

But then you realized that Emil was staying at your apartment, there's no way you could just stop being friends right?

"So love, I'm really sorry, but Hetalia Private High School is really expensive! I only stayed there for 2 years. I also really didn't like the kids there or the teachers! I'm glad I moved!" He smiled.

You smiled back. "I just hope I can still be friends with some people there." You sighed.

"Don't worry _____, I'm sure you'll still be friends with ..." Matthew trailed off.

"Yeah, you are you friends with dudette?" Alfred asked.

"Mathias, Tino, Berwald, Emil, and Lukas." You stated.

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