Things That Go Bump In The Night (Romania) {Halloween Special!} [Part 2]

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"Vladdy! Vladdy!" A little girl with (h/c) locks and sparkling (e/c) eyes ran with a smile on her face. "I'm gonna tag you~!" She teased and laughed.

"Come and get me _____~!" A boy with strawberry-blonde hair and red eyes ran in front of the girl. "I bet you can't tag me~!"

The little girl only ran faster, her hand tagged the boy on the shoulder. "I got you Vladdy~!" She sang in victory.

The boy laughed. "Awe rats! You did get me!" He fake pouted.

The little girl saw this and ran over to him. "Are you OK Vlad? It's just a game you know?" She asked, concerned.

The boy smiled and tackled the girl into a hug. "I love you _____~!"

"I love you too Vlad~!" She giggled.

"One day, I'm going to make you my wife _____~! And we'll live in a huge house together, forever~!" He smiled and hugged the girl tighter.

"I can't wait~!" Being the little 5 year-old she was, had no idea what marriage was and agreed quickly.

The scene changed, it was now night time. There was a family and a moving truck, the little girl was crying.

"Good! Because where ever you go, however far away you are. . .I know you'll come back to me _____! We're meant to be!"

"I'll find you Vladdy! Just wait for me!" The little girl sobbed as she got into the car and drove off leaving the boy alone.

The scene once again changed, it was he boy. But he was different, older even. And he was crying.

"_____, when? When will you come for me?" He sobbed silently as a thunder storm outside raged on. Boom! Crack! There was lightning, but it didn't seem to phase the boy. You couldn't see his face, but he looked so familiar.

Then he turned around.

It was Vladimir. . .!


You woke up abruptly. Boy that was a weird dream, you thought. You looked over at the clock on the wall. It read 10:38 PM.

You sighed and got out of bed. "I wonder if Vladimir's still awake. . .?" You mumbled to yourself.

You walked over to the door and turned the doorknob, stepping outside into the hallway.

Walking down the stairs towards the parlor, you noticed that the light was on signaling that he was still awake.

You walked through the door and stopped. "Vlad?" You asked.

He lifted his head up from his book and smiled at you. "Ah darling~ Can't sleep?"

You shook your head. "No, not really. Mind if I stay here with you?" You asked.

"Why of course you can stay here with me darling~!" He exclaimed.

You smiled. "Thanks Vladdy. . ."

You walked over to the shelves and browsed the books. Nothing really sparked your interest.

"Hey Vladimir?" You asked, walking up to him.

"Yes darling~?"

"What are you reading?" You asked, tilting your head to the side curiously.

Vladimir chuckled. "I'm reading Romanian Folklore~"

"Really? What's it like?"

"I'm glad you asked me that darling~! Come and sit with me~" He smiled and patted the chair next to him.

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