🐾Chapter: XIV🐾

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"The woman of virtue and the man that has been forgotten"

Time Stamp: xx:xx
Year: xx~xx~xxxx

And so it had been written in stone, the women of Aphrodite were only allowed to be wed to the men of Dionysus, it had always been this way for centuries no one had broken this one little rule

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And so it had been written in stone, the women of Aphrodite were only allowed to be wed to the men of Dionysus, it had always been this way for centuries no one had broken this one little rule.

Among the villagers there were those that thought that this rule was stupid, they were those that didn't want to adhere to such blasphemy but you see no one had ever dared to disobey the elders, no one had ever dared rebel.

Among these villagers there was one woman in particular who had been disgusted by the way things were in the village of Aphrodite, she was not all too happy about the way the elders ran things but she knew she shouldn't do anything out of the way, for two reasons.

1. Her mom was one of the elders

And for the second reason......

Going against the rules of the village meant banishment and in some cases isolation.

The name of this so called woman had been Melody, she had always did as she was told, being the good little girl for everyone but as the saying goes good girls turn bad.






"Who are you?"

Melody said as she hid behind a tree looking at the man that laid on the ground, his eyes closed shut as he just peacefully enjoyed the cool breeze that swept through the forest, Melody had wandered away from the village after her mom had upset her, she had been told that she wasn't allowed to go near the village borders but ignoring her mother, she had wondered off getting lost in the forest she knew that all she had to do to get back to her village was retrace her steps but she didn't feel like it.

She had wandered off all the way to the village border leading to Arethusa and here she was hiding behind a tree after she had heard snoring she had frantically looked around to find the source of the noise only to look down on the forest floor to find a man peacefully sleeping.

Out of shock she had fallen on the ground, scrambling backwards to hide behind a tree, the action causing the man to open one eye as he looked at the way she was holding a stick pointed at him for defence, with a snort the man had started laughing and without thinking twice so did Melody.

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