🐾Chapter: IIII🐾

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"The you that i've dreamt about"

Time Stamp: 03:02 pm

"Didn't Joonie tell you?"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Didn't Joonie tell you?"

          Jin asked as he held a cup of tea in his hands, looking at Yoongi with a worried expression on his face, Yoongi had asked him why Y/n hadn't shown up and Jin had just looked at him with a pained expression on his face, Yoongi just wondered why, why did Jin look at him like that, why did he look at him with pity in his eyes?

"Tell me what?"

Yoongi said looking at Jin with a confused expression on his face, Jin just looked at him sadly, patting him on the shoulder, he looked at the window, the raindrops falling heavier than ever before, sighing to himself, Jin looked back at Yoongi.

"Go ask him yourself

Jin said, Yoongi just stared at him, before standing up abruptly, he had already started running out the door, almost tripping because of the slippery mud, finding his balance, he continued on his way into the forest.

What did Jin mean by ask Namjoon? What wasn't Namjoon telling him, why didn't Jin want to tell him, why didn't Y/n show up to their meeting place?, all these questions kept swirling in Yoongi's mine has he reached the edge of the village of Eros.

He needed answers and he wanted them now.






Without thinking twice, Y/n ran out of the Council room, not even caring that her mother was yelling her name, or that all the elders were taken aback by her sudden out burst, the rain had been falling even harder now but she didn't care, she wanted to see him, no she needed to see him, she needed to see Yoongi before they caught up to her.

Reaching the head of the village, she ran down the path that she took to avoid being seen by the elders, by then her clothes had gotten muddy from the amount of times she had slipped and falled but she still regained her footing, by the time she had reached the path, she saw the silhouette of Yoongi as he ran down the opposite side from where she was, with tears streaming down her face, she mustered up what little strength she had, from the top of her lungs, she yelled out his name.


She kept yelling over and over again, but due to the heavy rain her voice could not be heard over the thundering sound that the clouds seemed to emit, she was sure of it, looking back now she regretted it more than anything, she regretted being apart of such a village, she regretted the fact that people like them actually had the guts to control her life, but more than anything she regretted not being able to fall in love with the person she wanted to.

The Path We Walked ~ M.YG [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat