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"Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear it. I just.... of all things... you kissed a GIRL. Right in front of me. Don't you dare deny it." Calum screamed.

"I was GOING to kiss her cheek. But she saw you and SHE turned her head so that I would end up 'kissing her lips'." Ashton argued back.

They've been bickering and fighting since Luke left.

I frowned as I saw Calum storm out the house once again.

Everytime he goes out, he comes back late at night and they make up and make out. But they alwas find something else to argue about the next moning.

Luke still hasn't come back..

Its been 3 days.

I turn away from the currently sobbing Ashton and went to my room.

I slot L's latest letter into the drawer.

She had left her home for two days and wrote this letter to me on the third day.

She's probably at home right now.

Maybe... Luke will come home today.

Its kind of a coincidence that everything that happens to L seems to happen to Luke as well.

I don't know really.

I shouldn't be thinking this way.

I just hope Luke is okay.

I return to the living room to find that Ashton had left.

Grabbing the remote, I sat on the couch and turned the TV on.

Football, I need to take my mind off everything.


"What the fuck, that was an foul goal." I scream at the player in the TV.

(A/N I'm sorry my knowledge of football isn't that great. I like playing it but..  i'm not that good.)

I hear the door open and Calum walked in, carrying Luke.

"Ohmygod.. is he okay?!" I jump over the couch, rushing over to Calum.

He glares at me and I quieten down.

"He hasn't eaten for days. Or slept that well either." Calum sighs, shaking his head.

I could only frown in response, glancing over the sleeping blonde.

"He's going to be in my room for next few months. No buts." Calum says.

"But.." i try to argue.

"I said no buts. He's had enough pain, and... he's especially had enough of you." Calum walks past me and up to his room.

I see a familiar envelope on the table in the kitchen. I grabbed it, as I went back up to my room.

Setting the envelope on the table, I began to think.

Why did Calum say that?

Where did Calum find Luke?

What did he mean when he said Luke's had enough of me?

Does Luke really feel that way?

I lay on my bed, my mind filled with questions.

I didn't open the letter, i'd probably just leave it for the next day.

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now