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It was Jack Avery, he walked toward us staring at me the whole time. If stares could speak his would be saying all kind of bad things. He stood in front of us before clearing his throat.

"I'm trying to take a nap but you dumbasses won't shut up" He screamed looking at the guys before looking at me.

"Look who wants to act all tough" The guys in front of me said before walking in front of Jack.

"Wanna say something now"

Jack laughed making it obvious it was fake.

"I said you won't shut up and let me sleep..."

Jack didn't even finish his sentence when the guy swung at him, but Jacks dodged it on time and loved away.

"So this is how you want to play, fine on me" Jack said before punching the guy.

He grabbed him by his shoulders and began hitting him in his stomach. He grabbed him by the collar and punched him before pushing him to the ground. The other two ran towards Jack. I watched as Jack fought them as if they were nothing. He kicked one of the guys making him fall on the ground before Turing around and punching the other guy making him dizzy before falling on the ground. I looked at the guys seeing them on the ground before looking at Jack. He looked at me before walking over. I looked at the guy that was on the ground.

"Are you okay"

He nodded and got up, I helped him up before looking closely at him.

"Aren't you Zach Herron"

"Yeah, do you know me"

"You're Trish's brother aren't you"

"Please don't tell her about this, she'll tell my dad and he'll be mad at me"

"Next time stand up for yourself and don't let a girl do it for you" It was Jack's voice.

"Come on, let's go to the nurse's office" I said before walking away. He nodded and followed me. Zach walked out heading towards the hallway before I turned around and looked at Jack.

"Thank you" I walked out leaving him in the gym.


I watched as she walked away with the boy. I smirked to myself before looking at the guys on the ground.

"Next time check who you're going to mess with"

I grabbed my things before heading out through the back. I looked around before making my way towards the cafeteria. I saw Jonah sitting at our table talking to some girls.


"But we were talking to him"

"I don't care, I said leave" I looked at them as the grabbed their things before walking away.

"You're never going to find a girl with that attitude of  yours" Jonah said looking at me.

"Who says I want a girl by my side"

"I'm just saying. What happened to you"

"What do you mean"

"Your knuckles, they're bleeding that means you got in a fight"

"Some guys were acting up"

"You know you can't get in trouble here"

"I know"

I grabbed some of his fries as I looked around eating. I smirked at myself looking at the blonde heade girl with her boyfriend. Funny how she acts one way with him, yet she's another with me. I looked around watching as everyone ate their breakfast not caring about anything except the food in front of them. I turned towards the door as I watched the kid from earlier walked in with her, Zoe Turner. I watched as she said something to the kid before both of them grabbed something to eat and headed to an empty table.

"Jonah, who's that guy with the girl over by the window"

"The one that looks like he got beat up, wait a minute did you hit him"

"No, but who is he?"

"His name is Zach Herron, he's a sophomore, and the girl is Zoe Turner, don't tell me you're interested in her"

"Why not?"

"Because she has a a boyfriend"

"She does? Who"

"Daniel Seavey"

"Isn't he already dating someone"

"Yeah, but Daniel and Zoe a re best friends and she hasn't dated anyone ever since they became friends which is why everyone says both of them are dating, he also doesn't let any guy near her"

"Is that so"

I got up and made my way to her table.

"Jack got back here"

I ignored Jonah as I made my way towards her. She was talking with the guy. He saw me before Zoe looked at me. I grabbed a chair from one of the table and sat down next to her.

"I don't think we got a chance to meet each other, I'm Jack Avery and you are" I asked looking at her.

"I know who you are" She said before looking back at Zach.

"You do"

"Everyone in school knows who you are. Zach let's go"

They both got up ready to walk away. Seems like she doesn't like me. I got up and grabbed her hand making her turn around before pulling her close to me. She looked surprised as she tried pushing me away but I held her close.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't like me"

"Look, i really need to get to class so let me go"

"Have we met before"

"No, now let me go"

"Not until you answer my question"

"What question"

"Who are you?"

"What?" She asked surprised.

I leaned closer toward her ear before whispering in her ear.

"I know your real identity and who you are" I walked back looking at her. She was surprised it was clear throughout her face.

"How...how do you know"

"My secret to keep"

I walked closer to her moving her hair behind her ear.

"Seems like it's better for us two to get along don't you" I asked looking at her.


I looked at the entrance to see Daniel running towards us with Zach by his side. He walked in front of her facing me.

"What do you what with her?"

"That's between me and her. I'll see you around Zoe"

I waved at her as I walked out of the cafeteria. This is going to be fun.

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