Chapter 6: The Azure Messenger

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Narumi's POV

I was currently hiding under one of the desks in the office. My knees were to my chest and I held my head in my hands. I was shaking, terrified.

"Narumi-chan~" Dazai-sama sang. "Come on out! Come to Dazai~! The afterlife is so beautiful! It's so much fun!" I whimpered and shook my head.

"No!" I cried. "You're not Dazai-sama!" The door opened and someone walked in.

"Good morning," Kunikida-sama said.

"Kunikida-san, please help us!" Atsushi-nii yelled.

"What's going on so early in the day?" Kunikida-sama said after the door shut behind him.

"J-J-Just look at Dazai-san!" Atsushi said. I screamed and quickly moved to a different desk when Dazai-sama jumped onto the desk I was underneath. I cried out a little.

"Oh!" Dazai-sama yelled. "Kunikida-kun, it's an emergency! Just look!" He said and pointed to nothing right above his left shoulder. I saw Atsushi push Kunikida-sama over to Dazai-sama.

"Look at what?" Kunikida-sama asked him.

"At that!" Dazai-sama said and pointed at the same nothing again, just in a different position.

"I only see your idiot face," Kunikida-sama told him.

"I've finally arrived... in the afterlife!" Dazai-sama said, doing weird poses. "At Yomotsuhirasaka!"

"What's going on?" Kunikida-sama asked as Dazai-sama kept saying random things.

"Kunikida-san," Atsushi said. Kunikida-sama looked over at Atsushi, who was holding Dazai-sama's book and a mushroom that was bitten into. "I think this may explain it."

"I knew the Complete Guide to Suicide was a masterpiece!" Dazai-sama said. "Who knew I just needed to eat mushrooms growing in the nearby hills to have such an entertaining way out?!" He then laughed creepily with his head way back, making me whimper and shake a bit more. I turned into a wolf pup and curled up into a very small ball of fluff.

"So he ate poisonous mushrooms?" Kunikida-sama asked.

"Well, he thought he was eating lethal mushrooms, but..." Atsushi trailed off. Dazai-sama then dove at Atsushi.

"Ah, I've finally caught you, rainbow pillbug!" he yelled. "All right, let's eat you at home!" Kunikida-sama sat at his desk, which happened to be the one I was under. He spotted me, and I looked up, terrified. I swear I saw a gleam of sympathy in his eyes as he gingerly picked me up and put me on his lap. I was still curled up into a little ball, so I didn't really take up much space as he skooched closer to his desk.

"Kunikida-san!" Atsushi said as he opened his computer.

"I'm doing my customary paperwork after arriving at work," Kunikida-sama told Atsushi. "Wait till I'm done."

"What?!" Atsushi cried. Atsushi soon went silent, making me a little worried.

"Kunikida-kun," Dazai-sama said, not far from me. I looked up and yelped when I saw Dazai-sama reaching for Kunikida-sama's face. He then grabbed his cheeks and pulled on them.

"You should come to the afterlife, too," Dazai-sama said. "It's amazing." He then started to moved Kunikida-sama's cheeks around, as he continued working and continued to get more and more annoyed with Dazai-sama. "There are rainbow pillbugs, too. You can drink all you want! You can eat all you want!" Kunikida-sama then finished and closed his laptop. I was shaking more and more. "Narumi-chan! You're so fluffy and soft, and tiny!" Dazai-sama said and was about to reach for me. I whimpered and whined a little, before I bit the closest hand, seeming to make Dazai-sama snap out of it, at least for a second. Kunikida-sama then slightly lowered his head, the light no longer concealing his eyes from being seen, grabbed Dazai-sama by his shirt, and threw him over his shoulder. I jumped off Kunikida-sama's lap and ran into the computer room, where all the mainframes were. I hid in the back of the room, in the shadows.

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