Chapter 2: A Certain Bomb

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Atsushi's POV

I haven't smelled tatami mats in a long time.

I woke up with the sun shining in my face and to an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Huh?" I wondered. "Where am I? What happened last night?" Just then, the memories of last night came back to me.

"Do you remember nothing at all from when you were transformed?" Dazai-san asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him while turning towards him.

"But your right hand's still there," Dazai said pointing at my right hand.

"Right hand?" I asked. I raised my right hand and I saw a tiger paw.

I opened my eyes wide surprised, I quickly sat up and held my right hand in front of me while breathing heavily. I was relieved to find it was a normal human hand. I clenched and unclenched my hand a few times, confirming it was mine, and it was normal. I sighed in relief and I put my hand down on my lap. I looked to my left to see a tiny kitchen and the front door. I looked up at the ceiling.

"It's been so long..." I trailed off. "... since I slept under a roof." I was then startled as a phone started to ring. "What?" I asked as I jumped out of the tatami mat. "What?! What?!" I asked as I looked around for the phone. I looked to my left and saw that there was a pile of clean clothes with the ringing phone on it above my head on the floor. Along with a bag behind it. "Huh?" I crawled over to the phone and I picked it up. "Um, uhh... Okay, I'm taking the call." I tried to figure out how I picked up. I started to shake my butt panicking a little. "I'll do it right now! Right this second! Which button am I supposed to press? Um..." I started pressing random buttons. "This one? C'mon, hurry up. Gosh, which one is it? Narumi would know which button to press in an instant!" I finally pressed the right button. "H-Hello?!" I asked as I put it to my left ear.

"Good morning!" I heard Dazai-san say on the other end.

"Oh, Dazai-san," I said.

"Today's another fine day," He said. "How's the new dorm?"

"Great, thank you," I told him looking around. "Compared to sleeping outdoors, it's heavenly."

"That's good to hear," He said. "The change of clothes at your pillow is a gift from everyone at the agency."

"Thank you so much for everything," I thanked him happily.

"By the way, Atsushi-kun, I apologize for asking this out of the blue..." Dazai-san trailed off. "But there's been an emergency."

"An emergency?" I asked him.

"Yes, there can be no delay," He told me. "Please come to the specified location immediately. It's a crisis! Only you can help."

"O-Okay, I understand," I told him. I got ready to leave.

"Are you ready, Atsushi-kun?" Dazai-san asked me while I put on my shoes.

"Yes," I said determined, but I was sweating of nervousness.

"First, when you leave the room, make sure to close the door. Look behind you!" Dazai-san told me. I did all that he told me to and I looked behind me.

"Behind me?" I asked turning around. I was surprised when I saw Dazai-san in an oil drum. I quickly ran down the stairs and ran over to him. But I deadpanned when I saw how happy/pleased he was. "Um..." I said confused. "What's this about?"

"What do you think?" Dazai-san asked me back.

"Maybe I'm hallucinating this morning?" I suggested.

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