20K Reads Special Chapter: Happy Birthday Narumi and Atsushi!

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I updated this story, but I've been really stressed out because of school and needed to take a break. School is almost over, thankfully, so I'll try to upload the next chapter. In the meantime, since it's a special someone's birthday today, and to celebrate 20k reads on my book, I decided to write a special chapter just for them! Hope you like it since I tried to make it extra long to make up for the lack of uploads! Love you all and stay safe!


Atsushi's POV

I sighed as I tapped my pencil against my desk, staring at my computer in thought. Narumi's birthday is coming up in a few days and I was struggling to think of what to do for her. Her previous birthdays were horrible, but she remains so optimistic about it. This year, I wanted to give her the best birthday ever. Of course, that was easier said than done. I sighed again and closed my eyes.

"Stop sighing, brat," Kunikida-san said annoyed. "And quit tapping your pencil while you're at it."

"Sorry," I muttered as I put my pencil down and laid my head on the palm of my hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked, taking me by surprise.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You're not normally this troubled," he simply stated.

"Oh, well, Narumi's birthday is in a few days, and I'm just trying to figure out what to do," I admitted.

"You're thinking of that while you're working?" he asked me, annoyed. "When is it?"

"The fifth of May," I said. Kunikida froze for a second before recovering and continuing to work.

"I see, that is close," he said. "I'll see how I can help you out once I'm finished working in... ten minutes."

"Thank you, Kunikida-san!" I smiled, bowing my head.

"In the meantime, why don't you go talk to the suicidal maniac," he told me. "I'm sure he has some ideas for her, and it'll allow me to focus on my work." I nodded and got up from my desk. I walked into the hallway and peeked into a couple of rooms, eventually wandering into the meeting room to see Narumi staring intently at an open book on the table and Dazai-san leaning over her shoulder.

"'You won't get away!' The goat said to the farmer, as he chased her... aro... around the fields," Narumi read carefully. Dazai-san smiled and patted her head.

"Well done, Narumi!" He smiled. "You've almost read the whole thing already! I'm very impressed." Narumi looked up at him and beamed brightly.

"Thanks!" she smiled happily, hugging Dazai-san. I leaned against the doorframe and smiled happily at the pair.

It's been about a year since Narumi and I were kicked from the orphanage and taken in by the Agency. I'm very thankful for everything everyone has done for us since that day, especially for Narumi. They've been taking such good care of her and teaching her so much. I have to admit, I don't think I've ever seen her this happy at the orphanage, despite her cheerful attitude she always had. Sure, she would cry at times, but she would always smile at me and tell me she was fine, which always broke my heart. Even thinking about it now makes my chest hurt.

"Atsushi!" I heard Narumi call happily. I snapped out of my thoughts when Narumi crashed into my torso to hug me. I chuckled a little and hugged her back, ruffling her hair to make her giggle.

"Hello, Atsushi-kun," Dazai-san said as he stood up to face us.

"Did you hear me read?" Narumi asked me. I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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