1K Reads Special/Memory

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(A/N: Thank you all so much for 1k reads already! I'm glad you all are enjoying my story and for all the support! Here is a special chapter/memory of Narumi's to "celebrate" this special milestone!)

(By the way, Narumi is around 8 or 9)

Narumi's POV

"Please!" I pleaded. "Why can't I come out?"

"You know very well," a female caretaker said. "He's coming today, but you can't see him."

"Please!" I cried, banging on the door. "Let me out! I'm scared! I don't want to be alone! Where's my big brother?!" I yelped when she banged back on the door. I whimpered and accidentally turned into a wolf pup. I cried out a bit when I got scratched on the eye again.

"You damn monster!" She shrieked. "You're not allowed to transform! You need to learn to control that curse of yours!" I turned back to normal and gripped my bleeding eye.

"Y-Yes ma'am," I cried. I whimpered when she slapped me.

"And no crying!" She shrieked. "Only children with parents can cry without reserve." I nodded, wiping my tears away. She huffed as she walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. I curled into a ball on the carpet, accidentally turning into a kitten. 'Crap!' I thought. I expected another hit to the face, over my eye, but the caretaker didn't seem to notice this time. I cried silently on the floor as I waited, hoping Akutagawa would visit like he promised.

I jumped as I heard a door nearby open and slam. I heard caretaker screaming at someone as well.

"You are not allowed in here," one of the female caretakers said. "This is an orphanage, only orphans are allowed in here, and only if they've been officially transferred here from another orphanage!"

"Besides, Nakajima Narumi was adopted to a loving family two days ago," a male caretaker said.

"Where is she?" A familiar voice said. "Don't lie to me." Under the door, I saw a bright red and black flash of light, and I immediately knew who it was. 'Akutagawa!' I thought happily. I heard a caretaker gasping for breath.

"S-She's... not... here!" He gasped. I ran over to the door and scratched on it to let him know where I was. Everything went silent as I scratched the door.

"There you are," Akutagawa said. "One second, Narumi. I'll be right there." I heard the caretaker's body hit the ground as he gasped for breath. I heard a door slam close to the room I was in and something slide across the room. I backed up as a pair of footsteps ran to the door. I flinched and transformed back when the caretaker from before burst through the door.

"You useless, damn, brat!" She shrieked. I cried out in pain when she slapped me across the face and scratched my eye with her long fingernails, that were really more like claws. I crawled back away from her as she got closer. I tried covering myself with my arms to protect myself before I accidentally turned into a fox pup and curled into a ball. I used my tail to block my face. I heard the door burst open again and Akutagawa's Rashomon. The caretaker was gasping for air, before hitting the ground with a thud. I could swear I heard something silently snap as well. I whimpered when something grabbed me. I struggled and writhed in the person's grip.

"Easy, Narumi," Akutagawa's voice filled my ears as he held me gently. "It's okay, I'm here. You're safe." I stopped writhing and looked up. I saw Akutagawa looked down at me gently, despite the hard facial expression he always wore. I looked to the side at the caretaker that was lying limply on the ground. I transformed back and walked over to her a little.

"Aku... is she..." I said softly.

"She's not dead," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I just knocked her out."

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