Manik's compliment to Nandu

Start from the beginning

The second round of prelims had started; Nandini was in a hurry as she was late for the Marathi Paper. She was heading towards the exam hall when she heard someone saying, "Its a really hard entrance exam dude. Lots of students appear but they select a few." 

She turned to look at the person who said that. Two boys were standing in the corridor talking with each other, one of them was Manik. He asked the other boy, "Really? What's the syllabus for it? " 

As Nandu was in a hurry she couldn't ask them what they were talking about. She went inside the exam hall. When the paper was over she thought of asking Manik which entrance exam they were talking about as she was eager to know about it.

While walking through the corridor she saw Manik and went to him. Standing in front of Manik she simply asked, "Which exam were you talking about?" 

Manik questioned, "What? What are you asking?"

"Before the paper, you were talking with some guy about an entrance exam.", mumbled Nandini.

Manik smiled and said, "Oh!That!Bansal!The entrance exam of Bansal classes!" 

Nandu noticed the way his eyes twinkled when he was said the name. Nodding her head she said, "Okay". 

Then, without saying anything Manik left from there.

Nandini was about to leave when Arya came and asked her, "Hey Nandu! How are you preparing for tomorrow's maths test?" 

"Hello, Arya! You know how I study Maths, right?  I'll prepare like I always do.", she said while 

Arya sighed and said in a playful manner, "Nandini...How much will you study? You know right, no one can score more than out of marks. Just in case if you have set it as your new target."

Before Nandu could say anything Manik appeared out of nowhere and said, "Nandini, your English papers are fantastic!!!" 

Arya asserted looking at nandu, "See even Manik is praising you now. Come on, at least chill on a weekend." Nandu frowned at his statement. 

Manik said looking at Arya, "Dude! Her papers are really amazing. I got inspiration from you Nandini! So, I also solved some extra papers." 

Being startled Nandini stood there speechless. As she didn't know what to say; she just muttered, "Okay."

After that Manik walked away from there. After talking with Arya for some time Nandini also went back to her home. She felt a new energy inside her. Something very different. She was smiling without any reason. She felt really happy due to that small conversation with Manik.


I talked with Manik for the first time. The way his eyes twinkled when he mentioned the entrance exam reminded me of my passion for my dreams. I couldn't just stop smiling after that and I wondered whether it was because he praised me.

I didn't even thank him. He might be thinking of me being a rude girl. Since when I started to care about what people think about me. I never gave anyone that much power over me. But Manik Malhotra was arousing a whole different set of emotions in me.

 What did he want? Should I ask Inaaya why he kept staring at me? No, no, no. That might result in misunderstandings. Moreover, if I asked something like that my friends will start questioning me, let alone answer my questions. I didn't want that. So, I decided to directly ask him.


Next day:

Nandu saw Manik outside the class. She called him, "Manik, Wait!"  

He stopped there and said, "Hey!" 

Manik was unaware of what was coming his way. Nandu knew what she had to ask but she hesitated a little in front of him and said, "Yesterday I talked with you, did you take any other meaning of that?"

After registering her words Manik said, "No. I casually talk with girls in my class." 

Nandu happily said, "Good!!!"

Manik frowned at her reaction. But nandu didn't notice it as she was happy in her own world. In the happiness of relief, she had felt, Nandini didn't realize when she mumbled, "Oh! Inaaya said that you are like that, you will take other meaning." 

Nandu's confusion was cleared, so, she happily ran away from there thinking distraction in between her dreams and her was out of the path.

But there was one person who was angry and frowns were clearly visible on his face.


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Expected Nandini to directly ask Manik?

Expected Manik to compliment Nandini?

Ever had an interaction with school's 'The Bad Guy'?

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