Manik's compliment to Nandu

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"Nandini Murthy, you are not allowed to feel this way.", standing in front of the mirror in her room Nandini shouted on herself as she remembered the way her heartbeats had raised when she found him staring at her.

"I don't know what this feeling is but it proved intimidating enough for me to make a run. I can't believe it. How did you come up with that lame excuse of 'I forgot my bottle' when your friends asked why you ran away, tell me Nandini?", she questioned herself in the quiet room.

"I don't how you are going to do this, but, listen to me Nandini Murthy, stay away from this feeling. I would never want anyone else to rule my actions. I don't wish to lose my dreams because of some stupid feeling. If anything distracts you from the path of your dreams; stay far away from that thing. For me, no one will be more important than my dreams, except the family.", she looked in the eyes of her own reflection placing her hand on the surface of the mirror.

Nandini was unable to understand why a stranger had started to affect her that way. The feeling was new for her. There was something about his stars that she felt butterflies in her stomach. Surmising it must be a temporary infatuation, Nandini decided to ignore him completely even if the guy would continue to stare.

Blocking all the thoughts about Manik Malhotra she started studying again.

Days passed, Manik continued to stare at Nandini and she used to ignore him royally.


"Sir, there is a correction in the counting of our science marks. ", Nandini said as she entered in Principle sir's cabin along with Inaaya.

Principle sir looked into her paper while Nandini stood quietly glancing at various trophies kept in the showcase. She was taken aback when her eyes found a trophy under Manik Malhotra's name placed side by side with her one. It was a special row for the achievements of brilliant students of the Stepping Stones School.

"May I come in, sir?", Nandini turned in the direction of the voice.

For a moment her eyes met his ones. He smiled and she stared at the floor.

"Manik, what brings you here?", Principle sir asked.

"I have solved these extra Science papers, can you please get them checked?", Manik requested handing over the papers to Principle sir.

"Sure. Just wait for some time.", Sir said.

Nandini saw Inaaya smiling at Manik while he stood there staring in Nandini's direction.

She was surprised knowing the fact that Manik had solved some extra papers. As soon as, they came out of Principle sir's cabin Nandini asked Inaaya, "What was Manik doing there? In fact, I was stupefied when I saw a trophy with his name in Brilliant Student's Row."

"Why would you say that?", Inaaya asked.

"I thought he is just a cheater and a big-time flirt.", Nandini remarked.

"Manik is a studious person. Despite being Stepping Stone's most famous guy, he is very smart. Don't judge him so hard.", Inaaya explained.

"Then, how come I never saw his name in the list of toppers during Prelims?", Nandini furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because he is more of a 'competitive exams' type of guy. He never focused on Board exams. You know if he wanted he would have been the rank one student in all the prelims. But his goals are different. But why are you asking about him?", Inaaya said.

"No. There is no such reason. I asked just like that.", Nandini said in a nervous tone.

"Relax girl. You know, everything about Manik is amazing except one fact. Students keep teasing him with the name of one or other girl and he enjoys it all without any protests.", Inaaya sighed as if the fact hurt her."

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