Andy pulled the front garage door shut as I pushed the bike I was working on out the back to start it up. As Andy made his way to me, I straddled the bike. A car pulled up as I was checking a few things, but I couldn't see passed their headlights to see who it was.

"All done and ready to go?"

"We'll see." I sighed, pulling the kickstand up and standing over the bike. Kicking it to life, I smiled, revving it a few times for good measure. It rumbled beautifully beneath me. I couldn't say I wasn't jealous of whoever owned this bike. She was beautiful and sounded like she would be just as enjoyable to ride, too.

"I knew I could count on ya, Harley. Thank you." I smiled, turning the bike off and handing the keys back to Andy.

"Just doing my job." I shrugged, turning to make my way to the front to clock out. I grabbed my t-shirt on the way there and tugged it over my head, clocked out and made my way to my bike out front so I could get home and get cleaned up. The bike I worked on was a welcome distraction today, but as soon as I left the shop, my mind filled with thoughts of those notes. I sighed, deciding to head to the bar after I got a shower. I needed a drink. My arm throbbed in agreement and I grimaced as I made my way home.

My arm was throbbing something fierce now that it was the only thing I was focused on. The pain was making me overly irritated and I sighed as I slumped down on a stool at the bar. I signaled the bartender and told him to surprise me.

The bar was dimly lit save for behind the bar itself and full of people. Rock music played from speakers overhead and my eyes flitted back and forth, not really looking at anything in particular. My eyes caught my reflection in the mirror behind the bar and I grimaced at my slightly pale face. I wasn't disgusting with sweat anymore but my face was paler than usual probably because of the blood I lost earlier in the day. I looked away as the bartender sat a drink in front of me. I grimaced at it when I noticed the pink color and flicked the umbrella sticking out of it. I looked at the bartender in disdain.

"Do I really look like the fruity drink kinda gal to you?" I said it quite rudely, but I didn't care at this point. "Why don't you give me something that'll put some hair on my balls?" I smiled sarcastically at him and slid the fruity drink back, giving him real smile when he slammed down a glass in front of me, filling it with a nice amber liquid.

"Better?" He sneered at me. I downed the shot quickly, slamming it back on the bar and signaling him to pour another.

"Much." I muttered, throwing back the second. He filled it again and I nodded to him, thanking him as he turned and made his way down the bar. My face warmed a little as the alcohol began to take effect through my body. I sipped the other in my hand as I people watched for a while.

I was on my fifth glass when I caught sight of two men staring straight at me. I looked away but did a double take when I caught sight of what they were wearing. My face paled when I recognized them as the skeevy guys from the shop a while back. The were wearing club cuts. I recognized the colors. They wore the same patch my dad wore on his cut back in Lakeview. A skull with horns and a bleeding heart between its teeth. The Devil's Hearts. Member patches rested on their chests and I balked.

I tried to remain calm, but my heart was beating wildly in my chest. I finished off my drink, cheeks beginning to tingle a bit. For some reason the bartender, who I'd come to know as Brody, poured me another and I was thankful. Somewhere beside me I heard a male voice.

"Hey, honey, you wanna come home with me tonight?" A masculine voice crooned next to me. I ignored him. The men that were staring at me began making their way outside, looking at the man beside me. I kept my eyes on them, not blinking for fear I'd lose sight of them. "I'll have you screaming my name by the end of the night." He whispered next to my ear. I shivered in disgust but ignored him again as I watched them walk out of the front door. I sighed in relief once they were out of sight.

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