Otp Questions #4

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Chapter Thirty Two: Otp Questions #4

1. Who eats the others uneaten pizza crusts?

Hank was a pretty picky eater. He likes the pizza he just really doesn't enjoy the pizza crusts but he knows Alex loves them so whenever he finishes with his, he just passes it to Alex just to see the blond lighten up and happily eats it.

2. Who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?

Hank is. Alex doesn't understand it but he's there when Hank starts to get emotional and to comfort him. Alex read all the time in solitary since there is literally nothing else to do but he doesn't connect with them like Hank does and he's kind of jealous.

3. Who kills the spiders?

Alex hates to say it but he is terrified of those things. Daddy long legs are fine, but those jumping spiders he just can't handle. They are so ugly looking, so Hank either kills them or traps them and sets them free outside where they belong. Hank was amused that Alex can watch through horror movies without jumping or flinching once was terrified of spiders but he doesn't tell the others.

4. Who's gonna call the other cute when they're "mad"?

Hank just can't resist teasing Alex. In the mornings when he's mad he just looks like a grumpy kitten. When Alex is upset and angry, he looks like a kicked puppy, there's no doubt that Alex can kill him. He is scary when he truly upset but Hank just teases lightly about how he looks that only causes the blond to roll his eyes but get a smile out of him.

5. Who watches the news and who is totally not interested and keeps disturbing the other by squirming, talking, etc.

Hank has to watch the evening news every night before he goes to bed. It really annoys Alex because he just wants to spend time with his boyfriend. Not to mention Hank will hear something on the news that will really worry him and then he spends all night awake because he was too busy thinking about it. So Alex tries to stop him as often as possible. Alex will try talking and when that doesn't work, he tries poking at him and annoying him. When that doesn't work then Alex sits in his lap and distract him in a way that will always work because Alex will always get his way when he really wants to ;)

6. Loves going to the beach?

They more go to the pond in Charles backyard but they both love going there on hot summer days.

7. Tries every season theme Starbucks makes?

Hank despises Starbucks, in his opinion they make really shitty coffee. Whereas with Alex, he can never decide on one thing so he tries every one. Then he sees if he likes it and either put them in the category where he likes it or to never order again. Whenever Hank was out with Charles or running errands, he always stopped at Starbucks to see if they have a new drink and if they do, he buys one for Alex because let's face it, Hank loves Alex and is willing to buy him coffee or special drinks at the place that he hates just to make him happy.

8. Do they like to go in the hot tub together?

Yeah they do. They like to just sit and relax. Let the hot water heal and relax their sore muscles. Also when it's just them, they like to try some sexy things to see what's it like.

9. Would they go to prom together? If so, who would ask the other to go? If not, what would they do instead?

I know Hank wouldn't want to go to prom. He would rather spend time doing science or watching something about science instead. But Alex would beg Hank to go with him, insist that he would have fun and make more friends together. Alex would keep prodding until Hank finally admits defeat and say that he will go to prom with him just to make Alex stop asking and being annoying about it. But in the end, he had fun with his boyfriend and the others were happy to see him there as well.

10. Who is more likely to be the designated driver at a party?

Definitely Hank. He doesn't like alcohol much and would rather stay alert and be in control of his party. Not to mention some of the mutants become messes when they are drunk. Hank honestly thought his boyfriend was going to be a angry drunk but really he was super affectionate and loves showing his boyfriend off. Hank doesn't mind it but then he has to quickly get him out of there when Alex starts to talk about more personal stuff that he loves about him that others really shouldn't need to know.

11. Is horrible at budgeting.

Alex spent most of his teenager years in prison so he doesn't really know how to control his money. Hank tends to sit him down and teach him different ways to save money and keep an eye on what Alex was doing with his money.

12. Who would have the other's picture as their phone background?

Both of them would! Alex's background is a picture of when Hank was at his microscope and looked up when Alex called for him only to take a picture. Alex loves that the camera captured his bright blue eyes and how they pop out at him, not to mention it was at the moment when Hank was doing something that he really loved and was super passionate about.

Hank's background is of Alex asleep. The day he took the picture it was storming and the rainy weather made Alex super drowsy and exhausted. They were cuddling on the couch with the rest of the crew watching television when Hank looked down to see Alex asleep in his arms. He had looked so beautiful and the lighting was just perfect that Hank had to take a picture of that moment.

13. Who runs their thumb over the other person's skin to comfort them?

I think Hank would. In my mind whenever Alex was upset or someone set him off and made him pissed, Hank was really the only one who could calm him down. Alex only trusted him to comfort him and Hank would softly run his thumb either over the blond's cheekbone, jawline, his knuckles when he was holding his hand, or anywhere that was within reach. Hank finds that it was really the only way to make Alex relax.

14. Who drives and who has the window seat?

Hank would be the one driving. None of the teenage mutants have their own cars and Charles really only trusts Hank to drive his car without damaging it. Alex would always have the window seat beside Hank, it was his spot and everyone else knew better than to take it when Alex was with them.

15. Which one pulls the other out of bed with the blankets when they are really late?

Hank would pull Alex out of bed. Alex really likes his sleep and sometimes it was really hard to get him up and out of bed. So Hank would set a specific time to wake him up and if he doesn't get out of bed n the next five minutes, Hank picks Alex right out of bed, with the blankets and all and plant him in the bathroom where Hank would set the shower up and get Alex to start his morning routine. 

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