So, he stayed an extra day, accepting his fate when he returned on Sunday, knowing it was inevitable for him to hide away for too long before his father came looking for him; that sick possessive side he obtained; he hated his son, yet he couldn't bare him to be out of his control and possession. Taehyung's stomach churned just thinking about it.

"I was supposed to go home yesterday, you big cuddle bunny. My father's already gonna kick my butt as it is" Taehyung chuckled at his own remark. Jungkook did too, but he couldn't help the uneasy feeling that settled in the pit of his stomach at the phrase.

He could only see the side of Taehyung's face if he craned his neck enough to the side, but that laugh, was not like the typical light and airy sound Jungkook had grown accustomed to. It was much like the fleeting look of determination he had viewed inside Taehyung's iris' on Friday night; dull and dry, lacking in emotion, yet desperately trying to hold onto it. And that worried him.

In Jungkook's moment of distraction by his taunting thoughts, Taehyung took the opportunity to slip out of Jungkook's arms, them having gone slack through his pondering. Taehyung made sure to put distance between himself and the ravanette before turning back to him, one foot already crossing the threshold of Jungkook's apartment. He cast the older male a small smile, but it did next to none to ease Jungkook's nerves. Because he could see the fear seeping into Taehyung's gaze, could see what he was trying to hold back in his presence, and Jungkook wished he wouldn't continue to do that.

"Taehyung" He started, moving towards the door, intent on stopping the blond, that gnawing feeling in his stomach becoming increasingly biting. Taehyung's eyes flashed somber for a millisecond, hesitation clouding the gold flecks in his brown eyes. He clenched one fist tightly together behind his back.

"Bye Kookie! I'll see you Monday!"

Taehyung was gone before Jungkook could utter another phrase, and the worrisome gut feeling only grew.

Jungkook sighed. The older male wasn't blind. While Taehyung came to him for the majority of his problems, Jungkook could tell he was only witnessing a small fraction of the overall dark cloud shadowing Taehyung's life, and oh how he wished Taehyung would place his full trust in him.

Let Jungkook in

Let him be there for him

Only him

Because he would always be there, he'd come to decide

Whether Taehyung wanted him to or not, and for whatever reason

Taehyung was too precious for him to let go anyways


The door opened slowly omitting a loud creak which echoed throughout the empty hallway. The door was hanging off one hinge, the result of an attempt to lock the door by Taehyung, only for it to be busted in, and broken by his father.

Yoona wrinkled her nose in disgust as she took in the tidy room, nearly empty of personal possessions.

Taehyung's room was practically barren; lacking mostly of pictures recent or otherwise, not a single piece of technology or decoration in sight, save for a few minimalistic pieces here and there. The navy paint was chipped, the bed rickety, and the carpet in desperate need of a vacuuming job having been stained over the years by a mixture of alcohol and blood.

What Taehyung did possess was a single cracked picture frame sitting on his bedside table; a photo of his mom in the hospital, holding a smiling baby Taehyung, back when his box smile came so easily without thought or forced strain. There was a record player on the floor in the corner, a tiny stack of old vinyls next to it, strewn across the floor; it looked like a few were missing. On the desk there was brief case which lay open. Inside was a very old, antique tattoo gun and a card reading:

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن