Will's eyes widen at my words and he steps closer to the painting, "this is the best painting I've ever seen, dude. You don't just capture her as she looks, you somehow have her essence as well. I mean, staring at this painting, all you want to do is figure out what she's thinking. And if I didn't know her, I would go mad trying to figure out what she's thinking about but I have an idea." He winks at me and I stare at him confused.

Then it hits me. She likes me too.

There's a knock on the door and Ara comes in, her wet her clinging to her face which seems to be glowing.

She smiles at me which sends my heart on a marathon. She notices Will staring at the painting of her.

"Isn't he amazing," she says to him. Will looks up and smiles at her.

"You were right, he's the greatest artist on earth," Will says and pride fills my senses, "I just can't believe he showed you before me!"

She shrugs, "what can I say, he likes me more."

She winks at me and I don't know what that means. Is it a knowing wink or is it a teasing wink.

Will laughs it off and Ara takes him around the room and shows him the different paintings. She acts as his for guide and I just watch them, adding details when they ask.

I walk over to my rolly-chair and did at my desk. I flip open my laptop and absentmindedly check my email, not really expecting to see anything.

At the top of the list is an email from the competition people.

I freak. I can't open it.

"Ara?" I call out to her. She walks over and I point to the screen, "can you? I can't."

I turn around and face her. She gives me a reassuring smile. I look around the room and find Will waiting a few feet back, looking thoroughly confused.

"The competition results," Ara fills him in, "ok, I'll check Cole."

She pats my shoulder and shivers run down my spine. I ignore it for now.

I cup my face in my hands and rest my elbows on my lap, listening as Ara opens the email. The room is silent as she reads the email.

"Oh my god, Cole, you have to see this," she whispers. I turn around at the sound of her voice and force myself to read the email.

Mr. Williams,

We were amazed with your entry and found it to stand out beyond any other entry we've ever received. You have won first place in the competition and the prize of 20,000 dollars. We would like for you to bring your winning painting, as well as any others you have, down to New York in two weeks where they will be entered into the Museum of Modern Art. We will provide transportation, if you are incapable, for you and your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you and your piece, "Arabella" in New York in two weeks on September 26th, 2014.

Congratulations and keep painting - we're sure to see great things from you.


Committee of the Thomas Montgomery Foundation.

I stare at the letter and read it two more times for it to sink in. I won. I actually won? And the prize is so much bigger than I thought it would be. I'm going to have a piece in MoMA? That's been my dream since I was seven and first started painting... and it came true. I guess I'll have to find a new dream. I glance over at Ara, who's looking right at me. Maybe I already have it.

She smiles brightly at me and I smile back.

"Will, you have to come read this!" she exclaims. Will looks at me for confirmation and I nod my head.

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