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A/N: I had to split this chapter into a few parts, because I forgot how much happens in this part of what will be the prequel. So, enjoy this little rollercoaster!


Year: 1289

Ebbot, England

 A fire had started in the castle, and with each passing moment, Ebbot's glorious past was becoming ashes. Peasants ran to hide in their shacks as knights came storming through the villages, checking every nook and cranny there could be imagined. 

Knights and strong men not turning places inside-out gathered together outside the village. They were all experiencing an array of emotions that day after the execution of the young princess, Mahald Gerenia. 

Above the chaos, voices rose up into the air: 

"You saw it: they had a witch save them with her magic! They have been devil worshipers under our noses!" 

"The daemon Zalgo infiltrated the castle!"

"Zalgo has not only stolen our royal family, he has torn asunder this kingdom! Oh, God be with us all!" 

"Well, men, there is only one thing we can do: we must stop the spread of the daemon's influence before he can reach his slimy claws in any further from hell!"

"We find the prince and princess, and that peasant hunter, and we send them to the fire with the sister!" 

"Kill the monsters inside them!"

"Take back Ebbot from the hands of evil!" 

There arose shouts, filled with fury, pain, and hope; the neighing of hundreds of horses being mounted and reigned in by riders of the royal guard; the sounds of the hooves resounded like thunder from the heavens. 

Taking the head of the pack was a knight whose sword was made of silver, and whose horse stood out like snow amidst the ash falling around them. The general's visor was open and the white scruff of his short beard was the only thing that stood out. His grey eyes were hooded; any spark of life was snuffed out like a candlelight. Instead, it was replaced with despair over the goings on in the past few days. 

He watched as a way ahead of his galloping fleet, a black horse came over the small rise ahead, racing towards them. 

The general raised his armored hand into the air, and he and the rest of the cavalry halted where they were. They waited for the rider of the black horse to meet them. 

"Baron Andrews, thank goodness you made it out of that fire! We thought you were lost to us! Have you any news to report concerning the royals?" the general called out, tapping his horse to walk up and meet the latter a little ways ahead of the others. 

"Of course I made it out--I have a kingdom to protect!" The Baron said humorlessly. "Concerning the royals, aye, I do have some news, General August," the Baron replied, removing his helmet and holding it against his side. He ran a hand through his short, neatly cut beard. "They too, escaped the chapel fire. Most likely, they have gone to the forest, heading towards the mountains to hide. I request that you send some good trackers in there. I would keep the rest here, in case they return. Who knows what sorts of damage they can cause with the devilish powers they now possess." 

"As you say, sir," General August looked back at his men, and chose a handful from the group to come up front with him. Seven men came alongside him. 

"These are my best hunters. If anyone should find them, these men will." 

Baron Andrews reigned in his horse, and moved across the short line of men, looking them each up and down with a calculating brown stare. 

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