Chapter 33

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For the last couple of weeks, I got frustrated with Bèlle and even Ian don’t know what he should do to face up our daughter.

Sometimes I almost lose my patience but when I looked at her, I know that’s only her curious mind that make her wondering about a lot of things between her mommy and daddy. Both me and Ian still working our relationship really well and everything seems okay.

I know that Ian wants everything on the right way because I could see how careful he is when it comes to us. We do still spend our time together, talk, going to the movies but just like that. I still busy with my job and so do him.

Currently we have a lunch together because it’s weekend, Ian wants to take us to family restaurant where Bèlle could also playing around with the other kids.

When we waiting for our food, that’s when Bèlle start to bombarded us with her curious questions.

“Sometimes I’m wondering.” She start.

I look at Ian and Ian shook his head.

Bèlle now looking at us.

“What do you wondering ?” Ian asked her.

“Why we don’t live together ? Why daddy comes to grandma place then going back home instead of staying with us ? I ask to my friend where their father live but they said that their father live with them and their mother. They will have breakfast together every morning.” Bèlle said again.

I exhales my breath and give Ian a signal to answer that. I don’t know what to say when Bèlle asking me why we don’t live with Ian.

“Uhm…Maybe you should wait a little bit more time because daddy is on the process to prepare out new home.” Ian told her.

I raised my eyebrow at him but Ian won’t look at me. Bèlle seems could accept the answer.

“Will I have my own room with pink color and a huge doll house in it ?” she asked again.

Ian nod his head, “Yes, and we could buy more doll for it.” Ian said again.

For a while, I think we already off the hook but Bèlle continue with her questions, this time she look at me.

“Why I don’t have daddy’s last name ?” she asked me.

Well, I guess I got the hardest one. I try to find the perfect answer for her.

“Because daddy leave for works and I need his signature on your birth certificate, so I asked grandpa to do it first and then I will change it again soon.” I told her.

“Did you already change it ? Will you change yours too ?” she asked me.

I look at Ian and nod my head.

“I will baby, very soon.” I said to her and give her my smile.

After that Bèlle back again to Ian, asks him when we could move to our home, where I know that Ian never prepare any new home for us.

Bèlle also remember our promise to her to go to family vacation and this time she is seriously want us to tell her the date. I told her that I can’t for going to vacation for now due to my works and also Ian. But we said that we manage everything and we'll go soon.

When our food comes, I took a deep breath and told Bèlle to eat her food instead of continue with her 21 questions games.

After she is done, I told her that she could play but she shook her head. Then suddenly she asked us when she could get a baby brother.

For a full minute I gaped at her and blinking my eyes and Ian doing the same thing but he cover his nervousness through his cough. Bèlle give us her best smiles and I shook my head.

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