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I still remember what my mother said when I told her about me meeting with my prince charming someday.

“You will someday, baby. But one thing that you should always remember is no matter how much you love him, you must to put yourself first because if he is indeed your prince charming then trust me he will follow you wherever you go.”

For me, I do already meeting my prince charming. We met each other back when we are in high school and still going strong until we graduate from the same university, and keep going until today.

Both of us are already twenty eight and we’ve been together since we were eighteen. I know it’s such a long time, ten years of dating and we still keep together. Most people will asked me how to make our relationship keep going on for such a long time, my answer is….I don’t even know, I just can’t see myself being in love with other man or starting my life without him. It’s just happen and that’s why I always think that he is my prince charming.

I keep looking into our picture that I put on my working table on my office and I still can’t describe the feeling that I have for him.

For the last three years, I always think that maybe we will tie the knot. I admit it that I’m a type of woman who wants to get marry as young as possible but I also know at the same time that he is not ready to marry me at a very young age.

My mom always told me that I already giving so much to be with him, including my dream to live in London. I gave it away only to be with him, he doesn’t want to get into a long distance relationship and because I’m so in love with him, I agree to stay back in here to be with him.

“I don’t know that I let you spend your time to day dreamed on my company, my dear.”

I looked at my father who comes inside my office with a smile on his face. I come to him and hug him.

“Dad, why are you still coming to here? Afraid that I might ruin your baby?” I asked him and he shook his head.

“Of course not. I know you are capable to handle my baby. I just missing my time in here and I want to meet my beautiful girl, asking how are you, my dear…” said my father.

We took a sit on the sofa,” I am good, dad. I just finish another contract and I just waiting for a report from Woods Inc. Ian will be coming soon.”

I told him with a smile on my face.

My father is now looking into my eyes.

”I know you have something on your mind.”
I shook my head.

”Nothing is on my mind. I’m okay, dad.”

“Irene you are keeps lying to your old man. Tell me what’s wrong.” My father asking me again.

I look at him before I exhale my breath,

”I’m just…Thinking you know...About my relationship with Ian so far.” I told him and my father raised both of his brows.

“What happen between both of you?” my father asked again.

I laugh softly.

"We’ve been together for ten years and it’s been a very long time but somehow I feel there is something that holds back Ian to make this relationship to be more serious. I mean…I want to get marry and have kids and build my life with him.”

“Did you talk to him?” asked my father.

I nod my head.

”Yeah, for over a hundred times but her keep saying that he is not ready and he is faithful with me and it will ended with both us getting fight over something that I don’t even know.”

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