Chapter 3

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Perrie Edwards as Laura


I start my day just like usual but today my mom called me early in the morning.

“Mom?” I said when I pick up the phone.

Bèlle is having her breakfast while I’m making my tea, “Darling!” said my mom.

She is sound so sad and I know that there is something wrong back home.

“What is happen mom?” I asked her again but I could hear her sobbing.

“Mom, you make me really worried now.”

“Darling, your father got a heart attack last night.” Said my mother.

On that second, I feel like someone just throw me a bucket of ice water. My father got a heart attack, how come?

Bèlle now is looking at me but I gave her my smile and I walk out from the dining room.

“How come that could happen?” I asked my mother.

“Your father working like a horse since the day you moving out. The doctor said that he is too tired and couldn’t work just like when he is young but he is too stubborn. Now, we need you to come back home and please take over the company.” Said my mother.

She is crying so hard and I can’t help but to blame myself for everything that happens.

If I just facing Ian instead of running away then my father won’t be suffering from heart attack.

Oh my god, what I’ve done to my parent now?

“Mom, I will come back home as soon as possible. I’m sorry because if I still there, I believe that dad will be okay.” I said to my mom, I can’t help to crying now.

I sense someone holds my shoulder and when I turn my body, Bèlle is the one who hug me.

“I will arrange everything in London and I will go back home, okay?” I asked my mother.

“Okay, baby. Please it’s not your fault sweety.” Said my mom and I only nod my head.

After we ended the call, I look at Bèlle who also crying. I wiped her tears and hug her, “Let’s seat, I want to talk to you.” I whisper to her.

She nodded her head and I took her to one of the sofas.

“Why are you crying mommy?” she asked me with her doe eyes.

My angel is crying because she saw me crying.

“Honey, we should move to grandpa place because grandpa and grandma need us.” I told her.

“Why? Is grandpa and grandma are okay?” she asked again and I nod my head.

“Grandpa is sick now, so they need mommy and you over there. So, I will look out for a new school for you and you could learn ballet from there, okay?" I asked my daughter and she nods her head,

“How about my friends?” she asked this time.

“We could send them a letter once we already move. You could do a farewell with your friends also before we go.” I told her and she nodded her again.

I drop Bèlle into her school and I quickly looking for her principal to arrange everything that will be needed to transfer her back to my hometown.

After everything done, they promise me to let Bèlle have her farewell with her friends today and then I’m going straight to my store. I look at my store and I took a deep breath.

How can I leave my baby here?

I know since the beginning that this is never be my life. My life is back where Wolfs Consulting is and where Ian Woods is. I don’t know what should I do if we ever meet again.

Will he realize Bèlle as his daughter?

Hope not because physically Bèlle look more like me than him but her attitude is totally Ian’s attitude.

I shook my head and go inside. Laura is the one who greet me cheerily but turn into a frown once she sees my face.

“What happen, Irène?” she asked me quickly.

I took a deep breath, “I will going back home, Laura and I will leave this store to your hand if you want it.”

Laura now look so shock, “Why so sudden, Irène? You can’t give me this store just like that.” She said this time.

I shook my head, “My dad got a heart attack and my mom wants me to going back home and takes over their company again. I can’t said no because it’s me that made my father got a heart attack. If I don’t move to here then he is still be okay.” I told her.

Laura now hugging me, “Don’t blame yourself, Irene. I believe your dad won’t like to see you blaming yourself like this.”

“I will leave you this store because I know that you could taking care this baby. Then I need to ask you for a favor.” I said to her and Laura nodded her head.

“I need to go tomorrow morning, yeah I’ve already book my ticket. I will bring the important things and then I need you to help me packing another thing and send it to my parent’s house. I will give you the address. After that could you please give the key to Jean? She wills look out for my house in here.”

Laura nodded her head, “Okay, did you already told Jean and Peter?” she asked me and I nodded my head.

“Yes, I’ve told Jean everything and she will drive me to the airport tomorrow morning. As for Peter, he is happening to be in my hometown, so he will pick me up when we arrive and drive me to my parents.”

“Okay then, I will arrange everything for you. I guess you need to go home now, to prepare everything and take some rest for your trip. I really really thank you for everything you’ve done to me.” Said Laura and she hugs me.

I pat her back, “It’s me who should thank you. You are becoming my friends and helping me towards the hardest time with my life, this store. I owe you so much, Laura. Promise me that will taking care this store and come visit me sometime.” I said to her.

Laura is laughing now, “I need to save some money to visit you and Bèlle. But I will visit you and Belle and taking care out this baby.” She is laughing while she is crying.


Chapter 3 for you guys!

I will update again tomorrow if I'm not busy but I'll try to update if I had a little time 🙂

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Until then,

M.F ♡♡♡

Two Hearts & One LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora