Chapter 28

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When the night comes, everyone seems to come to the hospital. Ian’s mom seems worried when she saw Ian on his bed beside Bèlle’s.

Yes, we asked the hospital to give us bigger room so we could let Ian and Bèlle on the same room. My mom seems worried too while our father talking quietly in the corner. Clyde talking to Ian with Sky beside them who sometimes talking too but I don’t know what they are talking about.

Nadine currently plays with Bèlle and they seem connected to each other really well.

“Irène, I thought that maybe you need your dinner, come with me?” Willow asked together with Jean.

Peter has already gone home and he seems want to talk to me but he only giving me his smiles and go.

I nod my head and following Willow towards the cafeteria. The food in here is not my favorite but that’s all I have for now. We took a seat and put some order.

I took a really deep breath, “I’m so thankful for having all of you.” I told Willow and Jean.

They only smiles at me.

“Tell us what do you feel?” Jean asked me.

I know what they mean; I kind of have my old feeling to resurface again after knowing that Ian will be Bèlle donor. I can’t help but feel so happy about and worried at the same time.

What if I lose one of them?

Will I be able to live my life normally again?

“Irène?” Willow calls me and shook my bad thought from me.

“Honestly, I’m scared.” I told both of them.

Jean now took my hand on her and Willow give me encourage smiles.

“I don’t know if I could live my life again if I lose one of them.” I said again.

When the food coming I only look at it.

“Everything will be okay; you must have a positive thought.” Willow said to me.

I nod my head, “I’m happy when I know it’s Ian who gonna be safe Bèlle from this disease but then I thinking again what if I lose one of them because of it? I want my baby girl to get well again and being her own self but I also want to her dad beside her."

“It is not about Ian as Bèlle’s father. You still have those feeling towards him.” Jean tells me straightly.

“You can say it is because you are care for him because he is Bèlle’s father but the truth is, it’s him, it’s always been him when it comes to your heart and with you knowing that he will go to this surgery. You are afraid that you might lose your chance to be together again.” Jean said to me.

I only look at her, “After all this craziness, what do you think that make you still be able to work things out with him? It is because you still want him to be part of your life, Bèlle’s life. You are more than care when it comes to him.”

I nodded my head, "Maybe you are right, Jean. I know it’s always been him and I do everything not only for Bèlle but for myself too.” I said this time.

Willow seems happy with my answer.

“I know that Peter told you about his feelings.” Jean said again.

I’m shocked with it but Jean laughing it out.

“Don’t you worry. I’m okay with it. I know for a long time he has feeling towards you but I just ignore it.” She said again.

“I never saw him in that way. I told him that I can’t be with him.”

“And you say the same thing towards my brother.” Willow said this time.

I can’t help but smile sheepishly, “And I change my mind now.” I said again.

Jean now clapping both of her hands, “You should told him the truth soon! so everything will be clear!” she encourage me and Willow nodded her head excitedly.

I shook my head, “I don’t think this is the right time to worried about it. I just want to focus with Bèlle and Ian conditions and the surgery.” I said this time.

“Just told him, you don’t need his answer...Just demand him to be with you.” Willow said to me easily.

I can’t help but laughing now. “You are so Willow..”


The next day, Dr.White came to see Ian’s health chart and then Bèlle. I sit patiently in the middle of their bed, “Well, Ms. Wolfs, I think that their conditions are well and strong enough to do the surgery procedure. I will need another three days to make sure then I will arrange the procedure for next week or if you want this Sunday ?” he asked me and looks at Ian.

Bèlle only looking at us confuse, “Mommy will it be hurt ?” she asked me.

Her eyes clearly told me that she scared with this procedure. I took a hold on her hand.

“It won’t be hurt or maybe it will be hurt a little but after that you will be able to learn ballet again and running around with North...How about that ?” I asked her.

Her eyes look shining when she heard about ballet and North.

“Okay  then. I want to do it as soon as I can.” She told me.

I look over at Ian, “I think the soon the better.” He said easily.

Dr. White nods his head.

“I will arrange for this Sunday and one day before the procedure I want you two to get some rest and don’t have to eat anything until after the procedure. Okay, I hope you guys have a great day today and I will continue my schedule. By the way Bèlle, you look beautiful and you could go to the park if you bored.”  He told us.

Bèlle now sits up straightly on her bed, she look more better after her last sessions and I’m glad.

“Can I walk to the park ? With mommy and daddy ?” she asked me and Ian.

Dr. White is the one who node his head.

"Of course you can. I know how boring it is to be inside room all day long. I will call the nurse to help you. Mr. Woods, do you need a wheelchair too ?” Asked Dr.White towards Ian.

He shook his head no, “I’m good, Doc.” He told him.

The next ten minutes, the nurse roll Bèlle towards park and I walk with Ian beside me. Ian took my hand and put it around his arms. I can’t help but blushing like when we first met at the high school.

“Why your cheek turns red ?”He asked me innocently.

I shook my head and clear my throat, “No, I’m not.” I said softly but Ian now laughing at me.

“I like it when you shy like this. Just like an old time.” He said again and this time I smack his arms again.

Ian winced but then laughing again when he sees me rolling my eyes.

“Don’t you get headache from it ?” he asked.

I shook my head at him, “You are still the pain in the ass.” I said this time.

“But you love me, right ?” he asked.

I do. I do still love you, Ian...After all this hard times and right now you are here willingly to be a donor for our daughter and still manage to woo me and make me fall in love with you once again.

I do still love you, Mr.Woods.

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