Chapter IX

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Thoughts and Daydreams

"Hope, Josie? Where have you been?! Why did you skip school today?" Mr Saltzman said sternly.
"I'm sorr- " I began to apologise until Josie cut me off.
"I wasn't feeling well so Hope stayed with me to make sure I was okay." Josie lied to her father.
"Okay, well if something like that happens again then you go to the nurse or tell me first. I was worried why you were absent in all of your classes." Mr Saltzman replied to Josie.

Mr Saltzman and Josie remained in conversation and as the conversation turned more personal, I decided to leave them to talk in private.

I slowly made my way up to my dorm room and went straight over to my wardrobe to change into some more comfortable clothes that I could lounge around in at tea.

Deciding on some skinny jeans and a bluish grey jumper and some black ankle boots, I made my way down to tea.

For the most part, tea was pretty boring. I sat stabbing and prodding my broccoli for what seemed like ages, lost in thought as my mind drifted to Josie.

Her dark brown eyes coming alive whenever she laughed. Her hair was envied by us all. My fire- like hair was dull in comparison to her dark foreboding locks.

I didn't wish I was her in the slightest though. It wasn't that I admired her, more so that I was attracted to her. Her carefree and loving attitude towards others and life was what I liked the most about her.

It's no secret that I'm attracted to both males and females (after all, I am a Michaelson) but what is a secret is my underlying feelings I've had for Josie for a few months now.

But then there's Landon as well. His mysterious persona, I can't help but be drawn to him. Although, can I trust him? I still haven't quite figured out what he may be up to.

This whole Demi god, Phoenix and siren thing is a little confusing to say the least. My grandmother never wrote about it in her book of spells.

I should probably ask Aunt Freya about it, she may know something about it.

"Hope?" A distant voice said.
"Hope?! Earth to Hope???" The voice got louder.
"Hope!" The voice shook me awake from my deep in depth thoughts.

"What?!" I shouted in frustration. Looking up to see that the source of the voice was Mr Saltzman.
"Oh sorry Mr Saltzman." I smiled sheepishly.
"That's fine. Is there something on your mind?" He asked.
"No sir, it's just been a long day." I lied quickly.
"Okay. Well get to bed now as it is 11 pm" he stated.
"11 pm?" I answered. I leapt out of my chair at the table and then went up to my room in a hurry. Hearing Mr Saltzman lightly chuckle at my reaction, as it echoed through the halls of the school in the deathly silence.

I hopped in the shower and then changed into my pyjamas. As soon as I was ready for bed, I jumped into bed and opened up my current book I was engrossed in, Greek Mythology.

Of course, this wasn't just a ladybird book or any other common fact books found at a library, this was a book written by Cronus himself, Zeus' father. It was then passed down each generation, with each generation writing new information about new curses and new heroes etc.

The book was enchanted by a protection spell thousands of years ago in order to prevent the paper from disintegrating which is why I am able to read it today.

I flicked the page over to the section on sirens. I wanted to learn more about them: the transformation into one, the hunger, the curse, everything.

~Author's Notes~
It's finally here, Chapter 9!
What did we all think of it? Who will Hope choose? Landon or Josie? I'll post the next chapter in a few days. This next one will focus more on the story of the sirens whilst also following Hope's life at the Salvatore Boarding School.

I know this is a short chapter which is why I'm posting the next one in a couple of days.
Who do we want Hope to choose?
Landon or Josie?

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